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Tithing at 10 percent or any other percent is not mentioned anywhere in the New Testament.

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Tithing or giving is still part of the Christian way, though there is no mention of a strict 10 percent. This could be because by the time of Christ, the 10 percent 'tithe' was well established and He continued to follow the 'Law of Moses' or because Christ was now the new and Eternal High Priest (see Hebrews 7) and the Law is now 'filled to the top' (see Matthew 23:23) with the spiritual aspects therein. Consider this Scripture:

2 Corinthians 9:7New King James Version (NKJV)

7 So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.

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1w ago

The concept of tithing at 10 percent is not explicitly mentioned in the New Testament. In the New Testament, giving is emphasized as a matter of generosity and according to one's means, rather than a specific percentage. The principles of generosity, cheerful giving, and supporting the work of the church are highlighted instead.

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Q: Where in the New Testament does it talk about tithing at 10 percent?
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How many times is tithing mentioned in?

Tithing is mentioned in the Bible approximately 30 times.

Is time part of tithing or is it considered a offering?

In the Old Testament, tithing referred to tangible goods - animals, grain, etc. The New Testament promotes giving but does not set forth a specific percentage or amount.

Who was the charge of tithing given to?

According to the Bible ancient Israel was commanded to tithe. Tithing was one of the commandments of the Mosaic Law (Law of Moses) which was the covenant (Old Testament) between ancient Israel and God.Tithing is not a part of New Testament Christianity. Nowhere in the Bible are Christians commanded to tithe. Tithing was replaced with voluntary giving and free-will offerings.Your Tithe Expert

Where in the New Testament is it written that Christians are obligated to tithe?

There is no verse in the New Testament that states that Christians must tithe. The concept of giving 10% of your income to the Lord is from the Old Testament. The New Testament does say however, that Christians should set aside a portion of their funds for the church. This can be found in 1 Corinthians 16:1-2. Under Related Links there is an article about Christian tithing.

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Tithing is not a part of New Testament Christianity. Nowhere in the Bible are Christians commanded to tithe. Tithing was replaced with giving.Now if you want to give money you can do so. The money you give can go to anything or anyone. Your giving is not limited to the church. And you don't have to give 10 percent. You can give more or less based on how the Spirit directs you to give.Your Tithe Experthttp:/

What proportion of the New Testament is Acts of the Apostles?

If you divide the number of pages of the new testament by those of Acts you get about 10 percent.

Is the word tithe mentioned in the new testment?

Once the New Testament was established tithing was abolished. Tithing was replaced with voluntary giving. The New Testament church did not practice tithing.Your Tithe

Where in the new testament does it talk about having a relationship with your second cousin as a sin?

Old, not new.

What percent of the New Testament is the book of Acts?

it is 1%. or 1/27th

Where in the New Testament does it say that tithing is still supposed to be given?

The New Testament does not explicitly command believers to tithe. However, it does encourage believers to give generously and cheerfully to support the work of the church and those in need. Each person should prayerfully consider how much to give and the manner in which they give, according to their own convictions and ability.

How many times is tithing mention in the Bible?

In the New King James Version, tithe/(s)/tithing is mentioned nearly 40 times in both the Old and New Testaments.

What does Paul say on giving to the church?

Paul didn't teach or preach tithing because tithing was not a part of New Testament Christianity. Tithing was replaced with giving. So Paul and other Christians in the Bible practiced giving.In 2 Corinthians 9:7 Paul encourages the saints to give. He didn't command that they give. All giving was voluntary and based on one's ability to give (2 Corinthians 8:11-14).Your Tithe