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They should be bred in a small area where you are able to get to them incase a fight breaks out and or in the bucks cage. I would read up on breeding before you try it. It really isn't that easy and then there is care of the newborns that come into play.

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Q: Where should a female and male bunny mate?
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Unless the female is ready to mate, you should keep a divider between them.

How long should a male and female be together to mate?

til they both consent with thee

How do you interduce a male hamster to a female hamster?

All you have to do is put the male and the female into the same cage. But you should keep an eye on them for they may fight or mate.

How long should you leave a male and a female hamster together to mate?

because the female only comes into season every four days, then you should but them together four nights in a row. if she attacks the male, then she is not ready to mate, and you should carry on until they have mated. when she attacks the male, then you should separate them immediately , with thick gardening gloves! when she is ready to mate then the signs are obvious, she will stand still and let the male mate with her. they should only be put together for 15 minutes or so, and you must always be watching them. if you leave them together for longer than that, then the female will get more and more active, and may turn on the male if he is still trying to mate with her. also, you should never put the male into the female's cage. even if she is ready to mate, she will attack him. always introduce them in the male 's cage or on unknown ground. i don't think that's true, i always stick my male hamster in the female cage and there just as happy together. it doesn't matter. my female prefers that the male is in her cage.

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No, to mate there needs to be a female and male involved

Will hamsters mate after you put a female and male together?

Not neccessarily immediately but yes they will mate but a pregnancy will only happen if the female is 'ready'. This question should be in a different category.

Is giraffe male or female?

Giraffes can be male or female. this is how they mate, and keep the species going

Can your male betta mate with all your female betta?

If they are not too old and the female is ready, then they will mate.

Can my female and male hamster mate if my female is not in her estrus?

Yes .

How do you know when your female bunny is ready to mate?

When she's over 4 months old, she'll be able to mate.