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was it a)ngati or b)nga puhi or c)ngati whatua

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Q: Which Maori tribe first got hold of Muskets?
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As of 2011, the Maori party hold 5 seats

The maori name for a chin tattoo?

The Maori name for a chin tattoo is "ngutu whakaheke." In Maori culture, facial tattoos hold significant meaning and represent a person's identity and social status within their community.

Which tribe wove baskets that could even hold water?

The women of Yurok tribe of Indians were known for weaving baskets that could hold water. Another Indian tribe that was known for weaving baskets that held water was the Maidu tribe.

Which Women of which tribe wove baskets that could even hold water?

The women of Yurok tribe of Indians were known for weaving baskets that could hold water. Another Indian tribe that was known for weaving baskets that held water was the Maidu tribe.

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What made wars after the Civil War modern?

The civil war was considered the first industrial war due to the fact that the first gun that could fire more then one round a second was invented. Also the first muskets that could hold more then one bullet where invented. One of the main reasons though is that trench warfare became very common during the civil war.

What was the role of men in the anishninabe tribe?

The Anishninabe tribe had specific roles for it's women, men, and children. The man's role in this tribe consisted mainly of hunting for their families and tribes. The man's role was also to hold the tribe meetings and teach their sons how to hunt.

Where the maori queen crowned to be queen?

The Maori queen, her majesty Te Arikinui Te Atairangikahu, was crowned in Ngaruawahia at turangiwaiwai Marae, its kind of like the royal palace, on the death of her father his majesty king koroki .She is the only female monarch in the kingitanga's history. Now if your talking about the wives of the Maori kings they are not given a coronation but hold the title Te Makau Ariki (Nobel spouse).

What is a cry ceremony?

When someone in a Woodland tribe died, the tribe would hold a cry ceremony. The chief sang and danced around the fire. This ceremony lasted for five days