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It is played in a higher octovie (notes played go higher). That would be the piccolo. Hope this helps! :)

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Q: Which instrument looks like a flute but is played higher?
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Why is the wind instrument that looks like a flute called a recorder?

the flute is held sideways the recorder is not

Is the flute hard to play do you think it looks complicated?

It actually takes more air to play the flute than it does to play the tuba. The flute is a difficult instrument to learn and will require practice.Actually its not the fingerings that are hard its the air.

What are 2 similar instruments to the flute?

I believe they are the Clarinet and the piccolo

What does the piccolo instrument look like?

A piccolo looks like a miniature version of a flute. It is usually black with silver keys, but can be all silver. It is about the length of your forearm (from your wrist to your elbow) and almost as big around as a quarter.Piccolos are in the woodwind family of musical instruments.Positioning: Piccolos are held horizontally and air is blown across a hole near the left end of the instrument. The instrument rests between the chin and the bottom lip with the hole at the top - the edge of it touching your bottom lip. The left hand is closest to the face (the instrument extends to the right of your body, just like a flute) with the fingers and palm pointing inward, and the right hand is next to the left hand with the fingers and palm facing outward.

When was the Irish flute invented?

the Irish flute was invented in china on February 31 2017 by monsier fake-ellolagus III. it looks like a guitar but is in fact classified as a percussion instrument (wood-wind, double-reed)

What is the definition of banduria instrument?

It is spelled bandura and it is a Ukrainian instrument which looks a bit like a lute but is played like a zither or psaltery.

Is a champagne glass called a flute because it looks like a flute?


When did the flute be made?

The flute be made of wood. Wood that looks like metal. And beaver skin. And fries.

What keyboard instrument is featured in the dance of the sugarplum fairies?

the melody is played on an instrument called a celesta. accompaniment and counter melodies are played mainly by woodwinds and strings the entire orchestra plays at some point though.

What is the oldest found flute?

I shall add a link of what the oldest flute known to man looks like. It is called the Pan Pipe.

How cinnamon looks like?

bark of a tree look like a Flute

What is definition of banduria instruments?

It is spelled bandura and it is a Ukrainian instrument which looks a bit like a lute but is played like a Zither or psaltery.