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Q: Which layer is composed of solid rocks and hot molten rock?
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What layer of the Earth is made of solid rock and squish molten rock?

the crust is made up of solid rock and mantle is made up of molten rocks

What layer of earth is hot rock?

The mantle is the hot rock.

Earth's solid inner layer is surrounded by the hot molten metal of which layer?

outer core

Which layer of earth is composed primarily of solid iron?

The inner core is solid and composed mostly of iron.

What is made of solid and melted rock?

the outer core. the last answer was the inner core.. but im sorry to tell them that im doing this section in school currently and the OUTER core is made of molten metal. the inner is solid metal.

What is Earth's only liquid layer?

The Earth's liquid layers are (working outward from the core):The outer core (Molten iron and nickel)The mantel (A layer of hot rocks with the consistency of asphalt which flows)The hydrosphere (oceans)The atmosphere

Earth is comprised mainly of extremely hot liquid metals?

False, the majority of Earth is comprised of assemblages of minerals that are either solid (as rocks) or molten as magma, or in a state somewhere between the two. However the Earth's outer core is composed of molten iron and nickel.

Can a rocks exist in a state other than a solid?

Volcanoes spew lava. Lava is molten rock. Molten rock is liquid.

What layer of the earth is made of molten rock?

The outer core is the only layer with molten in it.

What solid layer between the inner mantle and the lithosphere?

I dont think there is a solid layer between the Lowwer Mantle and the Lithosphere. The only layer which lies in this region is the Asthenosphere, which is a Weak Zone and in Molten State.

Which layer of the earth is composed mainly of solid iron?

The inner core.

Which layer of the earth is completely solid?

the earth's inner core is solid, and the crust is solid, obviously, because we can walk on it.