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Venus in the hottest planet in our solar system. It has an average temperature of around 900 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Q: Which of planet has the higher temperature?
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What is the temperature of the planet vary with the distance of the sun?

In general terms, the surface temperature of a planet decreases as its distance from the sun increases. However, Venus is approx 90% further from the sun than Mercury. But, instead of the temperature being lower, it is approx 40% higher.

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I'm not sure exactly what this means. However it is possible for the temperature in some parts of the atmosphere to be higher than the surface temperature of a planet.

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Latitude does influence temperature. The higher your latitude is, the cooler your climate. The inhabitants of our planet nearer to the equator feel more of the blazing sun than those in North and South Poles.

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If you increase the albedo, more solar radiation will be reflected back into space and so the temperature will be lowered.

How does the inner planets distance from the sun relate to the average surface temperature of the planet?

You might expect a planet to be hotter if it's nearer the Sun. This is true apart from Venus, which is the exception. Venus has a higher average surface temperature than Mercury. We believe this is because of the "greenhouse effect" of the atmosphere of Venus.

How does the temperature changes?

the higher the temperature the higher the solubility and vice-versa.

Can people increase or decrease a planet temperature?

They can do both, but it is up to them to decrease usage of fuels in order to increase planet temperature.

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There is no known planet with that temperature (or even temputure) range.

What effect does the order of the planets have on each planet?

it has to do with the temperature on each planet