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I'm not entirely sure, I've never heard of such a question. But I would think river water, because I've heard that rust or coin material have a serious effect on water witch may cause sudden stroke or death sometimes even commas after 2-4 days after drinking well water. So basicicly yes, I prefer river water would be much more safer to drink than well water. Hope I've helped.

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Q: Which one do you think is safer for drinking well water or river water why?
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Is it safe to drink out of a river?

No. If you have a good knowledge of the source of water-flow, then a river may be an acceptable source of clean water. River water is unsafe for many reasons. Often river water will sit in pools, or come from may types of sewage run-off. The sources of water are often contaminated. River water is also contaminated with other bacteria as well as animal excrement. It is recommended to filter, then boil river water before drinking. Running water in general should be safer than standing water, but certain elements can also taint this water.

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