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A planet that has an orbiting ring around it is saturn although there are many other planets with rings saturn has the largest ring!! Fun fact jupiter also has a ring but its to clear to see it in any pictures!

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Q: Which planet has an orbit ring around it?
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What is the largest planet with many rings?

The largest planet is Jupiter, and it does have a ring system, but it is so narrow as to be nearly invisible. The planet Saturn is the planet with the large, prominent disk of rings in orbit around the planet.

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A planet in an orbit greater than any of the others.An object in orbit around a single planet is a moon or satellite of that planet.

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Saturns ring are rocks and meteors spinning around Saturn

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There would be no orbit. You have to have a body to orbit around and without a star or other planet to orbit around, it would just move in a straight line.

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A planet is in direct orbit around a central star, while a moon is in orbit around a large body (a planet) rather than in a direct orbit around a star. The moon orbits the planet, while the planet orbits the sun.

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The orbit of a planet around the sun is called an ellipse.