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cold temperature affects the magnets strength by making it stronger

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Q: Which temperature of Magnets affects the magnets strength?
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Can the temperature of a magnet effect it's strength?

Yes, the temperature of a magnet does effect its strength. Both freezing, and hot temperatures take away from a magnets magnetic force. Room temperature ( about 50-80) is the temperature that magnets are the Best

How strong are the magnets in electronics?

Magnets of different strength are used.

Do different liquids affect the strength of magnets?

yes i tried and different liquids affect the strength of magnets

Can you bring magnets on an airplane?

Small magnets should be fine, industrial strength magnets may cause problems in the cockpit

How does temperature affect magnets?

Heat, because it affects magnetic molecules, causes a drop in magnetic field strength. Cooling a magnet has the opposite effect: reducing the resistance in the molecules and increasing the net field strength.

Do magnets have the same strength?


What are the types of magnets?

Ferro-magnets, permanent magnets, temporary magnets, and electromagnets. Ferro-magnets are magnets that are magnetic at a higher temperature than room temperature. do not quote me on that. permanent magnets are magnets that are always magnets, they are the kinds you use a lot. Temporary magnets are things that are magnetic in an extrenal magnetic field. Last but not least, electromagnets. Electromagnets are coils of wire around a cobalt, nickel, or iron. When ou run electricity through the wire, the core and wire become magnetic.

Can the strength of natural magnets be increased?

The strength of natural magnets be increased in various ways. Artificial magnetism can be induced so as to increase magnetism.

How does temp affect a magnets attraction?

yes temp does affect the strength of magnets. The cooler the magnet the stronger it gets.

What is the Industrial Magnets?

Industrial strength magnets are used widely for lifting, work holders,and chucks.

Which of the following explains why magnets can push on or pull other magnets with out touching them?

A magnetic field surrounds each magnet, and affects other magnets. That is correct, AND we know the other two are not possible candidates!

Does shape effect the magnetic repulsion between two magnets?

The further the magnets, the lesser the attraction/repulsion.