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Q: Who is the best example of a Type B personality?
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What a type b personality?

blood type B

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What a Type A and Type B and Type D personality theory?

A. Competitive B. Mellow slow & relaxed D. Underachiever?

In Korean culture, what personality traits go with my blood type?

In the Korean culture, personality is often associated with a person's blood type. For example, people with blood type A are thought to be more inclined to being perfectionists. Blood type B people are thought to be more creative and optomistic. The personality traits associated with blood type AB are cool, controlled, and rational. And lastly people with blood type O are ambitious and self-confident.

What kind of people are type b individual?

According to the Type A type B personality theory, people who are type b, "are described as patient, relaxed, and easy-going, generally lacking an overriding sense of urgency. Because of these characteristics, Type B individuals are often described by Type A's as apathetic and disengaged" - wikipedia See related links

How do you handle a Type B personality?

To handle someone with a Type B personality, try to be patient and understanding of their laid-back nature. Allow them the flexibility and space they need to work at their own pace and avoid putting too much pressure on them to be more driven or competitive. Appreciate their calm demeanor and focus on their strengths, such as their creativity and ability to think outside the box.

A footballer who is type B personality?

Type B Personality is someone who is relaxed and content, can deal with stress and enjoys life and is happy with what they have. They have to be able to cope with stress and be calm when put into tense situations.

Type A and Type B personality definition?

Typically, a Type A personality is a high-stress, on-the-go individual. Stock brokers, CEO's and other aggressive personalities tend to be Type A. Type B individuals are more laid back, easy-going and not as prone to stress. There's also what's been called a Type T person, who seems to be addicted to thrills. Those are your daredevils and athletes. But it's all fairly pop science.

What are traits for B+ (B positive) blood types?

+/- typing on your blood does not come into play when speaking of personality based on blood type. There certainly are beliefs that your blood type can determine your personality. In your case, Blood Type B people are said to be very goal oriented, positive, ambitious. Also Strong and optimistic, you can also be impulsive.

What kind of peronality the people have in anggola?

There are two parts in Angola personality. Type A and type B type A is easy going and high strung type B is a behavior that either raise or lower this can cause coronary heart disease.

What makes the B positive blood type?

Blood type B has the antigen Anti-A in it. Just like blood type A has the antigen Anti-B in it. Type O blood has both Anti A and Anti B antigens in it.

Does a Leo have a type b personality?

One's sun sign does not necessarily guarantee personality type and all the other person's planetary placements will also come into play. However, taking just the sun sign alone, Leo being a fire sign would most likely be discovered in the personality type a.