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James McAvoy played mr tumnus, the faun.

He has recently been in becoming Jane, Penelope and wanted.


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Q: Who played Mr. Thomas in The Chronicles of Narnia?
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Who played Tomas in Chronicles of Narnia?

Mr. Tumnus was played by James McVoy

What was mr timon's in The Chronicles of Narnia?

Mr. Tumnus was a faun.

Who acts as Mr Tumnus in 'The Chronicles of Narnia'?

James McAvoy

Who played Mr Tomas in 'The Chronicals of Narnia'?

The character of Mr. Tumnus in 'The Chronicles of Narnia' film adaptation was portrayed by James McAvoy in 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' (2005).

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In "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader," the fawn character, Mr. Tumnus, is portrayed by actor James McAvoy.

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In which children's books does Mr Tumnus appear?

Mr. Tumnus appears in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis, which is part of "The Chronicles of Narnia" series.

What instrument does mr tumnus play?

Mr. Tumnus plays the flute in C.S. Lewis's "The Chronicles of Narnia" series.

The goat in The Chronicles of Narnia?

I think what you mean when you say goat is satyr or faun, and his name is Mr. Tumnus!

Who are the 4 minor characters of The Chronicles of Narnia?

Some minor characters in The Chronicles of Narnia series are Mr. Tumnus, Ginarrbrik, Pattertwig, and Trumpkin. These characters play supporting roles throughout the series and contribute to the overall story in different ways.

How did Mr.Tumnus in Narnia look like?

Mr. Tumnus is a faun in the Chronicles of Narnia series. He has the lower body of a goat and the upper body of a human, with curly hair, a kind face, and he plays the flute.