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P.T. Barnum

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Q: Who said 'There's a sucker born every minute?
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Who said there's a sucker born every minute?

a woman

What are the release dates for There's a Sucker Born Every Minute - 2003?

There's a Sucker Born Every Minute - 2003 was released on: USA: 12 October 2003 (Los Angeles, California)

Who originated the statement There is a sucker born every minute?

P.T. Barnum

What does the phrase 'I'm a sucker for...' mean?

A "sucker" is a gullible person, as in "There's a sucker born every minute". "I'm a sucker for .." means one is vulnerable to or easily attracted to ...

Who originated the statement there's a sucker born every minute?

P.T. Barnum

Accodring to a popular clichewhat is born every minute?

According to a popular cliché, "a sucker is born every minute." This phrase is often used to suggest that people can be easily deceived or taken advantage of.

Does anyone want to buy a white touch screen slider phone?

Sure. There is a sucker born every minute!

Why does Susie sells sea shells by the sea shore if the shells are on the beach?

because there is a sucker born every minute! i don't get it

Ingredient VEIL anti laser stealth coating film?

The major ingredient is BS. There's a sucker born every minute.

You went to the movies last night and ordered a medium popcorn and large soda and was charged 19 - was you overcharged?

Everyone who buys food and drink at a movie theater is overcharged. "There's a sucker born every minute."

How do you get sucker born every minute on borderlands?

At the World's Largest Bullet, which is at the Sunken Sea, you will find a shack with a cash box outside. To get the achievement you must have at least $8,000,000, when you use the box, that much will be deducted and you'll get the achievement.

What is the duration of There's One Born Every Minute?

The duration of There's One Born Every Minute is 3600.0 seconds.