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I think the Spanish people and the Native Americans,

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Q: Who was involved in the building process of Santa Clara mission?
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When was the building of Mission Santa Clara de Asis finished?


What was the daily life in Mission Santa Clara de Asis?

The daily life in Mission Santa Clara de Asis involved farming, prayer, and manual labor. Native Americans were taught Christianity and Spanish language and customs. They also attended mass, worked in the fields, and participated in building projects for the mission.

What were mens chores at santa Clara?

In the Santa Clara mission, men were typically responsible for tasks such as farming, carpentry, blacksmithing, construction, and tending to livestock. They were also involved in building and maintaining structures within the mission complex, as well as assisting in various religious ceremonies and events.

How long did it take to build Mission Santa Clara de Asis?

Mission Santa Clara de Asis was founded in 1777, but the construction of the mission buildings continued over the years. The main church building was completed in 1825, but further enhancements and additions were made in the following years. Overall, it took several decades to complete the construction of Mission Santa Clara de Asis.

What are the building materials for mission santa Clara de asis?

Mission Santa Clara de Asis was primarily constructed using adobe bricks, which were made from a mixture of clay, water, sand, and organic materials like straw. These adobe bricks were used to build the walls and structures of the mission. Additionally, other building materials such as wood, stone, and tiles were also utilized in the construction of Mission Santa Clara de Asis.

What jobs were done at mission Santa Clara?

The Natives did farmwork, building, making soap, candles, cooking, and gardening.

Is Santa Clara the eight mission?

Yes, Santa Clara is the 8th mission

What is Mission Santa Clara De Asis's nickname?

Mission Santa Clara

Is Santa Clara the eighth mission?

Mission Santa Clara was indeed the eighth Californian mission founded

What was the purpose of building Mission Santa Clara de Asis?

The purpose of building Mission Santa Clara de Asis was to convert Native Americans to Christianity, educate them in Spanish culture, and expand Spanish territory in California. It also aimed to establish a self-sustaining community with agriculture, trade, and industry.

What was the purpose of santa Clara de asis mission?

What is the purpose of Mission Santa Clara De Asis

What number mission in the chain mission is Santa ines?

Mission Santa Clara is the eighth mission in the mission chain