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President William McKinley.

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Q: Who was the the commander in chief of the US during the Spanish American War?
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Why was William McKinley an important figure during the Spanish-American War?

He was the US President and the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces during the Spanish American War.

He served as Commander-in-Chief during the Spanish American War?

President William McKinley. Theodore roosevelt served in the military suring the spanish-American war

Who was the commander-in-chief for the colonials during the American Revolution?

George Washington was the commander-in-chief. At that time they didn't have a president, the person who, today, has the title of commander-in-chief.

What was US leadership at the end of the Spanish American War?

McKinley was still the President and Commander in Chief.

Was George Washington was voted Commander-in-chief?

Yes! During the American Revolution.

Commander the chief of the American army during the Revolutionary war?

George washington

The commander in chief of the continental army during the american revolution was?

George Washington

When was Washington's Commander in Chief Flag Flown?

During the French-American revolutionary war

Who was George Washington during the revolutionary period?

George Washington was the commander in chief of the American armies during the American War for Independence.

Who was the commander-in-chief during the revolutionary?

The commander-in-chief during the revolutionary war was George Washington.

Who was the supreme commander during the American revolution?

During the Revolutionary war there was no such thing as a Supreme Commander. On a June 15th,1775 the Patriots named George Washington as the Commander in Chief of the American Armies against Great Britain.

George Washington was commander-in-chief of the army during what conflict?

The American Revolution, or The Revolutionary War