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Q: Who were involoved in the dropping of the atomic bombs in japan during World War 2?
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What are the cons of dropping the atomic bombs during World War 2?

See: Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Who were The leaders during the dropping of the atomic bomb in World War 1?

The atom bomb was not in existence during World War One, also known as "The Great War".

Was the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War 2 justified?

Most people think so.

Dropping the atomic bomb?

The atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War 2.

What was the significant of the dropping of the atomic bomb then and now?

It ended WWII & the world entered the "Atomic Age."

What events ended World War 2 in the pacific?

The dropping of the Atomic bomb on Nagasaki

After the dropping of the atomic bombs was world war 2 over?

yes, in a way, it was not directly after the dropping that it was over but the Japanese surrendered after that.

How did the US get back at its enemies during World War 2?

By dropping 2 atomic bombs on the Japanese citeies of Nagasaki and Horoshima (one for each city).

When did world war 2 end on japan?

by the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Who was involoved in the haiti earthquake?

world vision was one of them

Who was Franklin Delano Roosevelt and how he help during world war 2?

He was the president during the war. He proposed the new deal to help the war and he decided on dropping the atomic bomb,but did not follow through with it because he died.

What war was the us hoping to end by dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima?

World War 2