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The monks

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Q: Who were the only ones who could read and writeduring the middle ages?
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What was the job of an apothecary in the middle ages?

Generally, the monks were the ones who were the apothecary's .

Who built cathedrals in the middle ages?

Master builders where the ones the guilder the masons as to how the catherdral was to be built

What did boys do in the middle ages?

Organized schools were not set up in the middle ages. The middle ages was a time of no learning or study. About 90% of the people couldn't read or write and those who did were nobles who had been taught by monks.

Why were the barbarians important?

The barbarians were the ones who defeated Rome and started the middle ages, ( see also the renisannce).

What leaders during the middle ages used the bible?

The Catholic ones, still trying to learn latim...

Who created a system of rhythmic notation?

In the Middle ages, Leonin and Perotin were the ones who created a system of rhythmic notation.

Why was all fate decided by trial by ordeal in the middle ages?

The belief then during the Middle Ages was that he who has not done wrong will be protected by the gods and that by doing the trial by ordeal, the innocent ones would survive the ordeal as they will be protected by the gods.

Which time period would you preferred to have lived in the Renaissance or the middle ages explain your reasons why?

Personally, I would have preferred to have lived during the Middle Ages. One reason is that people in the Renaissance looked down on those of the Middle Ages as barbarians, but the people of the Renaissance were more superstitious and less rational. They pursued witch hunts and suppressed science in ways that were not done in the Middle Ages. Unfortunately, we tend to buy the propaganda of the Renaissance, partly because they were the only ones who could make the comparison - the people of the Middle Ages did not know what was coming. There was a lot of activity in the Middle Ages in engineering, science, philosophy, education, and mathematics that we little of today. The people of the Renaissance tried to work in these fields, but took a less practical and more cosmological point of view, resulting in ecclesiastical suppression. The food and medicine in the High Middle Ages and Late Middle Ages were no worse that that of the Renaissance. The people of the Middle Ages believed that cleanliness was next to godliness, so they were clean. They also believed that bad air, with bad smells, could carry diseases. The people of the Renaissance covered their bad smells with perfume and called the Middle Ages stinky. The people of the Middle Ages believed in their religion and believed a person was no better than his word. The Renaissance produced Macchiavelli and people who thought he was just dandy. One thing the Renaissance had was a greater proportion of houses that had fireplaces and chimneys.

Were vegteables sparse in the middle ages?

No, they grew and ate many vegetables and fruit. The only ones they didn't have were potatoes and tomatoes.

What was the middle ages spirit of adventure?

curiousity that drove the people to discover new worlds and re-examine old ones.

What were the dinner table manners in the middle ages?

The same ones we have now such as saying please, not putting your elbows on the table, and so on.

How large were baileys in the middle ages?

They could have enough room for football fields, or so little room you could barely turn around. Some very small castles did not even have one. The big ones are big enough that houses and stables were built in them.