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There were many groups who were considered outcasts at the time of Jesus. Firstly Samaritans, they were seen as outcasts because they lived in the region of Samaria where they had their own version of the Law of Moses, their own priesthood, and their own temple. They were people of a mixed race. They married into the foreign families who were sent by the Assyrians and Babyloniand to occupy Palestine. The main two reasons that the Jews could not forgive them and therefore treated them as outcasts was firstly because they married into foreign families, many whom worshipped Gods of other religions, therefore they were racially impure. Also because they built a temple for worship on Mount Gerizim. The Jews thought it was impossible to sacrifice Yahweh, in any place but Jerusalem. We see that Jesus attitude differed from most people in this time as when he says to Zacchaeus, "Zacchaeus come on down. I want to stay at your house today!" This shows us that Jesus treated everyone equally despite the fact they were treated as outcasts.

Secondly, Lepers, as leprosy was a dreaded disease that could not be cured so therefore sufferers were isolated from the rest of society. Whole families were divided from each other because of this illness. Also prejudiced views about leprosy condemned people who were not infected but had a skin complaint. Lepers were not allowed to go home if they themselves thought they were clean. They at first had to get official recognition that they were clean. We see that Jesus treated Lepers differently. This is because he cured Lepers and was not afraid to make contact with them.

Finally another group of people who were treated as outcasts were prostitutes. These people were seen as living a sinful life. Any women in any age or generation who were making a living through prostitution were not considered socially acceptable. Often in the twentieth century they are not given the same consideration as 'respectable' women. We see that Jesus treats this group of outcasts the sane as any other person in this time. This is because when Jesus was in Simon's house, a prostitute came in and washed Jesus' feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. He then forgave her for her sins.

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Q: How were the outcasts treated in Jesus' time?
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