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The USSR was the first to get space crafts into space, both manned and unmanned, and had the first working space station.

The US was the first to put a man on the moon, allegedly. The are theories that the moon landing was staged, but that is up for your own opinion.

Overall, USSR was the first to reach space multiple times, and the US [supposedly] put a man on the moon.

It is up to you to decide who won, the answer will vary from person to person.

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Q: Who won the space race Russia or America?
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technically it was not a race the countries just wanted to send the first person to space. unfortunately Russia won on on April 12 1961 followed by America on May 5 1961

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The American Flag on the moon before any of them

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Who won the space race between Russia and America?

The Soviet Union was off to the best start. They launched satellites before the US did. But it was the US that landed on the moon first, the last big milestone. Both continue to man space stations above the Earth. This part is symantically null it was in fact Russia that around 6-1 achievments wise.

Who won in the space race between Russia and America?

The Soviet Union was off to the best start. They launched satellites before the US did. But it was the US that landed on the moon first, the last big milestone. Both continue to man space stations above the Earth. This part is symantically null it was in fact russia that around 6-1 achievments wise.

What was the space race?

When the US and the USSR raced to get the newest equipment into space. The United States won in the end, but Russia had the first person in space. His name was Yuri Gagarin. Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon, and he was American.

What did we learn from the space race?

We learned the US had won.

Why do astronauts walk on the moon?

cause back in the 60s it was a war of getting humans getting in space so when Russia first launched vostok 1 America always wanted to be first so when Neil Armstrong and buzz Aldrin first leaped so America won the race of the cold war