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At the time of Persephone's abduction the Olympians were at the beginning of their reign, and every goddess and god were seeking to stabilize their power. One afternoon, Aphrodite and Eros were sitting and looking at the evening sky. Aphrodite was telling Eros that two thirds of the universe are hers to impose her love on whoever she will, but she wasn't happy with the fact that Hades' underworld was unreachable for her. At that moment, Aphrodite saw Hades ride on his chariot and she thought that this was her chance to spread her influence into the underworld. Looking down at the fields, she saw Athene, Hestia, Artemis (these three goddesses are sworn to virginity), and Persephone picking flowers. She thought, "If I leave that girl (Persephone) just like that she will no doubt be influenced by her virgin friends and take the vow of eternal virginity".

And so, Aphrodite had Eros shoot an arrow at Hades (pluto) to make him fall in love with Persephone, and no matter what Hades did, he couldn't get Persephone out of his head, that's why he abducted her.

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Q: Why Pluto take Persephone to his kingdom in the Greek mythology?
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