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All fluid milk products and many foods made from milk are considered part of this food group.

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Q: Why are low-fat dairy products part of the MyPyramid plan?
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What Scandinavian people specialize in dairy products?

I believe it is the Swedes that do so. The Netherlands, though not part of Scandanavia, are THE top dairy producers.

How is dairy free diet different from a balanced diet?

It's not necessarily different; in the far East, dairy is not a traditional part of the diet.Grown humans don't need dairy products. You can get all the nutrients in milk from other sources.

What part of speech is Lowfat?

The word low-fat is an adjective. It describes something that does not have a high number of calories.

Where can we get calcium?

A cup of milk Calcium is an important part of our diets. It's found in dairy products, sardines, bread, watercress and cabbage.

I tried to be anerexic Im not going to lie and I feal ashamed of it but when I do eat I feal like a pig and I just feal like I over eat so could you please give me some choices of good foods to eat?

Lean meats include turkey, chicken that isn't fried, and you can look for meat that has been trimmed of fat. You should eat lots of vegetables and fruits, the brighter color, the healthier it is for you. Dark green leafy veggies and orange and yellow, stuff like that. Breads that have no added butter or oil are good for you. Oatmeal is good for you. Milk products like skim or lowfat milk, lowfat cottage cheese, lowfat yogurt, all are good for you. Juices in moderation are good for you. I agree with the above except for the dairy part. I work for a holistic, many more factors.

What food group provides protein?

The food group which contains the most significant amount of protein is the meats group, this includes poultry, beef, fish, lamb etc. Dairy products also contains protein, but is often high in fat compared to meats.

which kind of feed is palatable for dairy cattle?

milk is part of dairy

What are the health benefits of choosing reduced fat(low fat) or fat free dairy foods?

Milk and most of the dairy products are high energy-yielding and very nutritious food products, and therefore, commonly form a part of a healthy diet. The vital nutrients generally found in milk and dairy products in rich quantities are --- calcium, protein, magnesium, a variety of vitamin B (such as B1, B2, B6, B12, etc.), and vitamins A, D, and E, in addition to substantial fat. This is the basic reason for why take dairy products. Also, dairy products can help blood pressure levels. The list of beneficial dairy foods includes milk, yogurt, and cheese. For milk, skim 1%, or 2% will be good choices, but eventually aim to drink skim milk, which has the least amount of fat.

What agriculture has to do with with dairy?

Everything. Dairy is a part of agriculture, just like crops or ranching or raising alpacas is a part of agriculture.

Does anyone know any diets or recipes just for people with weak stomach acid reflux?

Lean meats, green vegetables, potatoes, and apples and bananas are all foods that have can be a part of an acid sensitive diet. Low and fat free dairy products are also less harsh than other dairy products. A diet incorporating these foods and multi-grain products would be appropriate.

How is milk and dairy products used in the body?

Say you have a broken bone somewhere in your body. The calcum from the dairy products can help that broken part of the bone heal and it will make your bones a whole lot stronger.

What are part of a healthy diet?

Foods in a healthy diet are fruit, vegetables, whole grains, dairy products, and proteins. Make sure to eat some of all of these to keep your diet balanced.