

Why are the lives of hobbits and Tolkien interconnected?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Simply put, until Tolkien created the hobbits, they didn't exist.

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Q: Why are the lives of hobbits and Tolkien interconnected?
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What is another Name for Tolkien hobbits?

Hobbits are also known as halflings.

Did J.R.R. Tolkien prefer the elves dwarves men orks or hobbits?

Tolkien preferred the hobbits, claiming to be himself a hobbit, "in all but size."

Name the creator of The Hobbits?

J.R.R. Tolkien created hobbits in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

Are hobbits real?

Hobbits are creatures of fantasy created by J.R.R. Tolkien. They do not exist in real life.

Are hobbits and homonid the same thing?

No they are not. Hobbits are a creation of fiction from the mind of JRR Tolkien. Homonid is the Latin name for great apes.

What are Tolkien's tree creatures?

Anything from Orcs to Hobbits. Any creature or creation in Middle Earth, is Tolkien's.

What is the 6 hobbits?

There are hundreds if not thousands of hobbits in Tolkien's writings, but I assume you mean 6 central hobbits in the LOTR:BilboFrodoSamMerryPippenSmeagol/GollumSome additional hobbits:LothoThe gafferRoseFarmer MaggotMaggot's wifeSaradocPaladinOld ProudfootToboldThe Sackville Bagginsetc. etc.

What is the name of the dragon the Hobbits must kill in order to get their treasure back in JR Tolkien's?


Were they any hobbits in tales of the middle ages or did Tolkien make them up on his own?

Tolkien as a kid has read childrens fairy tales and no hobbits were not in them because in the middle ages creatures in fairy tales were goblins trolls fairies dwarves elves dragons gnomes and ogres

How do you care for a hobbit?

SInce hobbits are fictional, you dont care for them. However, in Tolkien's Ring Trilogy, hobbits thrive when they have access to vast quanitities of food and drink, and comfortable surroundings.

How are hobbits not like ordinary people?

Hobbits are similar to Dwarves, except without the beards and axes. The hobbits live in the hilly Shire. Dwarves live in mines. Tolkien described the hobbits as "children" as they are only three feet tall. They also have hairy feet. Tolkien wanted to give the idea of hobbits being a lot like children. They love to eat, have fun, have parties and gossip. Tolkien also wanted to add some sort of innocent, good natured race as well as the dwarves and elves, who prefer to keep themselves to themselves. Hobbits fitted this criteria perfectly. Despite their lack in stature, they had very big feet.

What language did the Hobbits speak in Lord of the Rings?

There was no known language for the Hobbits. According to Tolkien "There is no record of any language peculiar to Hobbits." They spoke the langauge of the menfolk they lived near, usually the Common Speech, e.g. Westron.