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It can. If it can't, either your 'fridge is not magnetic or you need to get stronger magnets

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Q: Why can't a magnet hold a piece of paper on a referigator?
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you can hang as many paper clips as you want until the weight of the paper clips becomes more than the pulling force of the magnet

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Yes. But u cant do much with it.

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no magnet cant attract silver

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You can. The present record is 12 times

What is the basic difference between physical change and chemical change?

Well a physical change is when you break something and you still have it like ripping a piece of paper. You still have the paper!! Then you have your chemical change .Which is when you do something to make it to the point were you cant keep it.(EX) Burning a piece of paper in the fire is a chemical change:) Because you cant get it back:)

How do you weaken a magnet?

you cant

Is tearing a piece of paper in half a physical change?

tearing a piece of paper is a physical change because when you rip it,it is still a piece of paper but lets say that u burn a piece of paper its a chemical change couse you cant change it back to wood again

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Cant. if it is an essay get a new piece of paper and re-write it. if it is a worksheet then get a new worksheet and re-write your answers on there.

Does a physical or a chemical change?

A phsical change is something that can be changed but cant be changed back. for example: you can crumple a piece of paper but it is still paper. A chemical change means it has been changed perminetly so for example: If you burn the paper its ashes not paper. it was ashes but youy cant change it back into paper. Hope this helps :)

Does the Samsung magnet have a text signature?

you cant put a signature on the samsung magnet

What is password in high tail hall?

under the pot on the balcony, theres pics and a piece of paper with the password E1B2, but i cant get any further :(