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Factories made workers work in shifts so they wouldn't get tired and just stop working. The shifts consist of 8 hours or more. Ha ha Mr. Foust 12-1 xD

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Q: Why did factories begin to require workers to work in shifts?
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Assembly Line Worker?

A couple of images immediately come to mind when you say assembly line worker. First, you see Henry Ford, the father of the assembly line, and workers building the Model T at the Ford Plant in Michigan. Next, an episode of I Love Lucy where Lucy scrambles frantically to keep up with the increasing speed of a conveyor belt while trying to box chocolate candy at the chocolate factory. Those images are stereotypes and are far from the duties of today’s assembly line worker. An assembly line worker is much more likely to work in a technical environment and possess excellent skills in a given field. Jobs such as computer assembly and building a complex guidance system for the military require special skills for workers who are part of an assembly line. There is much more to the job than simply turning a screw every five seconds as a part moves down a conveyor belt. Assembly line workers often need extensive training and may need to attend school to further their knowledge before being able to qualify for some assembly line jobs. A skilled assembly line worker, depending on the company he or she hopes to work for, can easily earn $20.00 per hour to begin and the rate can go up quickly from there. The automobile industry, despite its recent troubles, is still one of the key employers of assembly line workers. Not only do they pay their employees above average wages, they also offer some very desirable benefits. Assembly Line Workers may or may not be asked to be part of a Union. Paying Union dues may reduce the net earnings of the worker, but, it also helps add job security and fair treatment in the workplace. Other fields where there is a need for assembly line workers include the food industry, light manufacturing and some other areas where creativity and the human touch are important. While such work may seem boring and repetitive, today’s more progressive companies recognize the need to keep workers interested in their jobs and rotate people so they work on different steps of the assembly process. You might start by sorting, move to soldering, than to final assembly and finally to inspection and quality control. A career as an assembly line worker can be both interesting and rewarding.

When did the industrial age begin?

i believe it began around 1760

Why did the engine industry begin?

Because people wanted to make life easier.

When did ISO begin?

It began in 1926 as the International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations (ISA).

Related questions

Why did factories begin to require workers to work shifts?

Factories made workers work in shifts so they wouldn't get tired and just stop working. The shifts consist of 8 hours or more. Ha ha Mr. Foust 12-1 xD

Why did factories begin to require workers to work in shift?

Factories made workers work in shifts so they wouldn't get tired and just stop working. The shifts consist of 8 hours or more. Ha ha Mr. Foust 12-1 xD

Why did factories begin to require workers to work in shift in the industrial revolution?

Factories began to require workers to work in shifts during the industrial revolution for two main reasons. First, it allowed factories to operate continuously, maximizing productivity and output. Second, the demand for goods was increasing rapidly, necessitating longer working hours that could be accommodated through shift work. This shift system also enabled factories to operate day and night, increasing efficiency and profitability.

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The reason why conditions in factories begins to decline is that in quality of working conditions. Machines run by unskilled workers were eliminating the jobs of many skilled craftspeople.

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Factories begin because of the working conditions.

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The reason why conditions in factories begins to decline is that in quality of working conditions. Machines run by unskilled workers were eliminating the jobs of many skilled craftspeople.

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