

Best Answer

Because some people ...

  • believe what their church tells them
  • interpret The Bible in different ways
  • have a need to think Christ must physically manifest in order to be with us and in us, whereas other people think His Spirit is enough and no less meaningful
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Q: Why do different groups of christians have differenet beliefs about the eucharist?
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Why are the eucharistic beliefs different within the Christian church?

The Eucharist, also called Holy Communion or Lord's Supper and other names, is a Christian sacrament by which, in a common interpretation, those who celebrate it commemorate the Last Supper by consecrating bread and wine. There are different interpretations of the significance of the Eucharist, but "there is more of a consensus among Christians about the meaning of the Eucharist than would appear from the confessional debates over the sacramental presence, the effects of the Eucharist, and the proper auspices under which it may be celebrated." The Eucharist, also called Holy Communion or Lord's Supper and other names, is a Christian sacrament by which, in a common interpretation, those who celebrate it commemorate the Last Supper by consecrating bread and wine. There are different interpretations of the significance of the Eucharist, but "there is more of a consensus among Christians about the meaning of the Eucharist than would appear from the confessional debates over the sacramental presence, the effects of the Eucharist, and the proper auspices under which it may be celebrated."

What did ancient Egyptians believe about the Eucharist?

Since the Ancient Egyptians lived before Jesus, they had no beliefs about the Eucharist.

Having beliefs different from those of the church are called?

In Christianity, these beliefs are called heresies, and those who hold them are called heretics. They are not pagans - pagans are not Christians at all - but Christians who have "gone off the rails" on an essential belief.

Where do Christians get their beliefs from?

The Bible.

Why did the protestants split with the nonconformity christians?

}The protestants split because the they had different beliefs which other people didn't like!

What are the different beliefs between Christians and Catholics?

Roman Catholic AnswerThere are none, as Christians are Catholics and vice-versa. There are however some Christians who are not visible members of the Catholic Church. These are people who have received valid baptism and believe in the Nicene Creed in its traditional interpretation. Someone who has different beliefs from Catholicism is known as a heretic, although if they were raised knowing no better, then the heresy would only be formal; although they were raised believing that they were Christians.

What are christians beliefs on suicide?

Don't do it

How different are Islamic beliefs to Christian beliefs?

The biggest difference in beliefs alone is that Christians believe that Jesus is Christ while Muslims believe that Jesus was a great prophet although the greatest prophet in Islam is Muhammad.

What beliefs and practices are the same between Christians and Muslim?

They both believe in a god. Even though it may be a different god.

What is the split into protestant and non conformist christians?

The protestants split because the they had different beliefs which other people didn't like!

Do Catholics believe the same thing that Christians do?

Christians and Catholics have very similar beliefs because Catholicism comes off of Christianity. But there is one main thing that keeps them different and separate; Catholics consecrate the Eucharist, Jesus Christ, during the Mass. Catholics receive Jesus in bread and wine form. The blood of Christ is the consecrated wine and Christ's body is the consecrated bread.Roman Catholic AnswerThat such a question could be asked is truly remarkable. Catholics ARE Christians. As a matter of fact they are the original Christians, and the only Christians for the first one thousand years until the heartbreaking split with the Orthodox.

When do you proclaim your beliefs as Christians?

in the apostles creed.