

Why do fat people where skinny jeans?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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some wear them because if you find the right shape and size then it looks good on them

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Q: Why do fat people where skinny jeans?
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Skinny jeans for boys?

yes boys can wear skinny jeans if their not fat

Can fat people look good in skinny jeans?

If the fat person went on a diet or managed to lose weight, yes.

Can skinny jeans kill you?

Yes skinny jeans can kill you because they are to tight and the blood in your body when stop! Then there is a 90% chance that you may die!! and you can be come in the hospital and not die but maybe have to take pill for the resit of your live! Now people are buying Sright legs because they are not that tight like skinny jeans and they do not mack you look fat, it look the same has skinny jeans but not to to tight have skinny jeans! == ==

Why does everyone like skinny jeans?

Not everyone likes skinny jeans. The people that do like skinny jeans like it because it looks good on their body, and in this day and age people tend to like skinny people, so skinny jeans merely contour the body.

What was so special about skinny jeans?

They look good. Flares look stupid nowadays.Well, that's totally your opinion. I happen to think that flares look better than skinny jeans.- Howrse memberSkinny jeans are the "style of the moment". Wait 'til next year. You'll see that skinny jeans will be "out" and another style will be back "in". Skinny jeans only look good on skinny people. But, skinny jeans look horrible on non-skinny people, especially when they're worn 2 or more sizes too small with jiggly belly fat overflowing the waistband.Amen to that.- Howrse member.

How do you not look fat in skinny jeans?

just lose weight hahaha

Do fat girls look nice with skinny jeans?

Sorry but no. Definitely no.

Skinny jeans or super skinny jeans?

Skinny jeans super skinny is to tight

Do you have to be skinny to wear skinny jeans?

Of coarse not! skinny jeans is for everybody, I've seen chunky people wearing them, and very skinny people (like me) wearing them, and they look pretty good on anybody. SKINNY jeans are for EVERYONE! Just because you're not a size nothing or even a 3 or 4 doesn't mean you cant wear something you like. Don't get discouraged because you looking the mirror and something doesn't fit right. I'm sorry, but I feel that you do need to be super skinny to wear skinny jeans. Because fat people (like me) don't look good in skinny jeans. They make my butt appear rather large and in charge. I wear skinny jeans because its the style Anyone can wear them to me they look better on bigger people than skinny people I am too skinny and can never find a pair of skinny jeans to fit i have to shop in the childrens section and it sucks so bad! if i were you, I'd count myself lucky that to have a choice to wear them! By no means do you have to be 'super skinny' at all! I think they look good on curvy people and I admire curvy people who wear them

Do skinny jeans look good on anyone?

Skinny jeans look good on most people, but not all

Can chubby people wear skinny jeans?

Indeed it is possible. Fat people can wear skinny jeans. But that's your pick!!!!!

What fat does to the body?

Makes. You not fit in to your clothes most of the people in my family are fat and wear sweat suites I am tall really skiing and wear skinny jeans