

Why do fewer people get chickenpox now?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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It is becoming less common as more and more people have already had it, therefore making it die down a little as it is rare for chicken pox to infect the same person twice

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Q: Why do fewer people get chickenpox now?
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Which is proper fewer people now or less people now?

"fewer people now" would be correct. "fewer" denotes something that can be counted (like people). "less" denotes something that cannot be counted (like water or sand). FYI- the signs at WalMart are INCORRECT "20 items or less". It should be "fewer".

Had chickenpox as a child but am now pregnant and have been around a child who has been exposed to chickenpox what do you do?

If you had chickenpox as a child, there is no special care required if you are pregnant and were exposed to chickenpox.

If you are going on holiday in a week would you spend time now with a grandchild with chickenpox?

If you are not immune to chickenpox from previous infection or immunization, you may be at risk for chickenpox from exposure now. If you are immune, there is no risk.

Did you get vaccinated before you got chickenpox?

when I was small, they had no vaccine for chickenpox. I have to worry about shingles now. I did get a vaccination for that.

Are there any victims for chickenpox?

Yes. Each year, about 4 million people will get chickenpox. Between 10,500 & 13,000 people will be hospitalized, & 100 to 150 people will die because of chickenpox.

Do Mexicans get chickenpox?

People of all nationalities are susceptible to chickenpox. Mexicans get chickenpox, like those from any other country.

Can you get chickenpox as an adult If you were a carrier as a child?

A carrier of chickenpox is someone who is infected but doesn't have symptoms. Most people who get chickenpox do not get infected twice. You are not likely to get chickenpox as an adult if you had them as a child.

What age and sex is affected by chickenpox?

People of any age and both genders can get chickenpox.

Can a cold cause chickenpox?

Cold virus doesn't cause chickenpox, but people with chickenpox often experience symptoms similar to those of a cold.

Why were people able to develop leisure-time activities?

People worked fewer days

Why are adults immune to chickenpox?

90% of adults are immune to chickenpox because it is a highly contagious disease that causes lifelong immunity. Most people got chickenpox as children prior to the approval of chickenpox vaccine.

Why do you have to experience chickenpox?

Not everyone has to experience chickenpox. Vaccines are available that can help to prevent the disease in most people.