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Temperature is a measure of molecular motion. Fast molecules are hot. Molecules that move slowly can always be "heated" and then they will move faster and thus will be hot.

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14y ago
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14y ago

On the molecular level, that's what heat is; it's the average molecular speed. So a hot water molecule is hot BECAUSE it is moving faster than cold water molecules.

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9y ago

Heat adds energy to the molecules and the energy causes them to speed up. Cold water doesn't contain doesn't have kinetic energy so they move slower.

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14y ago

because in cold water there not doing anything and in hot water there being forced to move.

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Q: Why do molecules in hot water move faster than in cold water?
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In hot water the water molecules are moving at a faster rate than they move in cold water. The faster moving molecules hit the salt molecules with greater force and knock them away from the other salt molecules faster. That way the salt molecules dissolve in the water quicker.

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no hot water will drip faster than cold water.This is because the molecules in hot water move around faster than in cold water. This makes it easier for molecules in hot water to slip right past other

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hot water molecules move faster with food can experiment it with the help of following steps:-Fill the glasses with the same amount of water, one cold and one hot.Put one drop of food coloring into both glasses as quickly as possible.Watch what happens to the food coloring.If you watch closely you will notice that the food coloring spreads faster throughout the hot water than in the cold. The molecules in the hot water move at a faster rate, spreading the food coloring faster than the cold water molecules which mover

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Hot waterWhen substances have a high temperature, they have more energy. The more energy molecules have, the faster they move. The molecules in hot water move faster than cold water because of the higher energy. Because the molecules of hot water move faster, they can more easily break apart other molecules of a different substance when they come into contact. The fast moving water molecules can break apart the bonds between the salt crystals so they become dissolved into the water.

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When substances have a high temperature, they have more energy. The more energy molecules have, the faster they move. The molecules in hot water move faster than cold water because of the higher energy. Because the molecules of hot water move faster, they can more easily break apart other molecules of a different substance when they come into contact. The fast moving water molecules can break apart the bonds between the salt crystals so they become dissolved into the water. Therefore, salt water can only dissolve in hot water.

Do molecules move faster with heat or with cold?
