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Memory is a function of the brain, and no two persons nor two brains are alike.

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Q: Why do some people remember information better than others?
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When do people remember things better?

People probably remember things better when they have actually been involved in it.

Do people remember things better in color or in black and white?

people remember things better in color because it pops out

How can you remember what you read and is there a system to help you concentrate better?

One way to remember what you read is to actively engage with the material by taking notes, summarizing key points, or discussing it with others. To help improve your concentration while reading, you can try setting specific goals or using techniques like the Pomodoro method to break up your reading into focused intervals with short breaks in between. Developing a consistent reading routine and minimizing distractions can also help you concentrate better.

Why are some people better dancers than others. What are your theories on this topic?

Some people are better dancers than others because their coordination might be better.

Do people remember words or shapes better?


Why do people answer questions on WikiAnswers?

They want to help educate the public - or at least the people using this website. This is a resource for information. Because people like sharing the knowledge they have with others. By sharing people remember what they have learnt and it helps both parties. Moreover it is nice to help others who need help Because they want to be helpful!

Are People likely to remember only information consistent with their schema?

People are more likely to remember information that is consistent with their existing schema because it fits into their established mental framework. However, information that challenges or contradicts their schema may also be memorable due to its novelty or cognitive dissonance. Overall, memory is influenced by a combination of schema consistency and personal relevance.

Which is better grammar 'the perspectives of others' or 'the perspective of others'?

"The perspectives of others" is better because more these two or more people probably have different perspectives.

Do people remember what they hear or what they see better?

Memory is a function of the brain, and no two persons nor two brains are alike. They think differently, act differently, react to stimuli differently and they also learn and remember things differently, so there is no final answer to this question really. Some persons find it easier to remember what they hear while others find it easier to remember what they see. The lucky few can remember both what they hear and see very well and many of us forget almost anything just too fast.

What is a memory strategy tool that helps people remember complex information in an easy to remember format?

One memory strategy tool is the method of loci, where one associates each piece of complex information with a specific location or place in a familiar environment. Another helpful tool is creating mnemonic devices, such as acronyms or rhymes, to aid in recalling information more easily. Both methods can improve memory retention by providing a structure or pattern for the information to be stored in the brain.

What is the word for people who think they are better than others?

"Arrogant" or "delusional" (if the person is NOT actually better than others). Keep in mind, some people ARE better than others (i.e. more talented/skillful/knowledgeable/etc). In those cases, they aren't 'arrogant' or "delusional" they are just 'better' than others.

Why do people memorize printing better in cursive than in regular printing?

There have been no studies that showed this to be true. Most people memorize better if the words are printed plainly and are easy to read instead of being in cursive. If you mean that they memorize better when they write the information out, then that is because every time you write something, you remember a little more of it. Write it out at least 20 times in order to really remember it!