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History Of The Bikini

Where Did The Bikini Come From and How Did It Get Its Name

Louis Reard (ray-YARD) had this problem. He had designed Something that would stir the masses. ut he needed a name for it, something exotic, bold, and eye opening. Four days before he was to show the world his new bikini in Paris , the U.S. Military provided him with a name. They exploded a nuclear device near several small islands in the Pacific known as the "Bikini Atoll". On July 5th, 1945, he unveiled the bikini. all though he would later claim he named the bikini after the islands and not the atomic blast, he was clearly taking advantage of a "hot topic". Another Frenchmen, Jacques Heim, had created his own two piece bathing suit, which he called "The Atome", and he described it as "The world's smallest bathing suit. Reard called his "Smaller than the world's smallest bathing suit."

Reard's "bikini" was so small, in fact, that no Parisian models at the time would wear it on the runway. He hired Micheline Bernardini, who had no qualms about strolling around in a bikini, seeing as her day job was a nude dancer at the Casino de Paris. Bernardini was not what you'd a classic beauty, but after photos of her in a reclining pose hit the press, she was swamped with fan mail, close to 50,000 letters.

Two piece suits weren't new. As part of wartime rationing, the U.S. Government, in 1943, ordered a 10 percent reduction in the fabric used in woman's swimwear. Off went the skirt panel, and out came the bare midriff. At beaches across the country, men paid special attention to women doing their patriotic duty. But Reard pushed the envelope. He shrunk his suit down to 30 inches of fabric - basically a bra top and two inverted triangles of cloth connected by string - and put the navel on center stage.

The world took notice. In Catholic countries - Spain , Portugal , and Italy - The bikini was banned. Decency leagues pressured Hollywood to keep it out of the movies. One writer said it's a "two piece bathing which reveals everything about a girl except for her Mothers maiden name." Movie star Esther Williams who probably was seen in a two piece bathing suit by more people than anyone in the world, once said: "A bikini is a thoughtless act".

It's not clear whether she was talking about the bikini or the thought of wearing one. Reard's firm did it's part to fan the fantasies by proclaiming that a two piece wasn't a bikini "unless it could pulled through a wedding ring." In the '50's Brigitte Bardot did wonders for business- But not in modest America . Here it remained an invitation to scandal. As recently as 1957, Modern Girl magazine sniffed, "It is hardly necessary to waste words over the so called bikini since it is inconceivable that any girl with tact and decency would ever wear such a thing.

By 1960 America was ready for new frontiers, including, it seemed, great expanses of bare flesh. That year pop singer Brian Hyland immortalized the suit with his song "Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini." Three years later "Beach Party", the first in a series of Annette Funicello / Frankie Avalon flicks with a recurring theme of women dancing in bikinis, hit the big screen.

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Yes many stores offer plus sized bikinis. Places like jc penny, and are where you could find one, but just to be sure you should always call and check first.

Where can one find pictures of bikinis?

One can find pictures of bikinis on Google Images. One can also find pictures of bikinis at the websites of Target, Walmart, Kohl's, Forever 21, and other stores that sell bikinis.

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La Rouge Bikinis website contains an entire catalog of the their bikinis, a blog, celebrity sightings in La Rogue bikinis, and upcoming events. It also contains information around how the company was founded.

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One can find photos of bikinis at the website of any shop that sells bikinis. One can also find such pictures at stock photo websites, such as Shutter Stock.

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Sugarchilli Bras and Bikinis sell sets that have matching bikini skirts. They're at

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Bikinis for larger women can be bought from many different stores. Some examples of stores that offer larger sized bikinis include Pronto, Lane Bryant, and Kohl's.

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No. In fact, I rather suspect pigs are more attracted to other pigs than they are to women in bikinis.

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BIKINIS guys like skin. It gives them more to look at.