

Why do we use argon everyday?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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Q: Why do we use argon everyday?
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How does the noble gas family affect everyday life?

You use helium in balloons. Neon and argon in lights. Argon is used as an "inert" gas to inhibit bacterial growth.

Where is argon found in everyday life?

Light bulbs

What do we use argon for everyday life?

used as filling for fluorescent lamps, electric light bulbs, incandescent lamps and for vacuum tube.

What is one use of argon?

Argon is used to make argon

What kind of lights that argon use?

Argon does not use any lights.

Do people use argon for anything?

They use argon for neon lights.

Do doctors use the element argon?

They can use argon in cryosurgery. Liquid argon is used to destroy cancerous cells.

What is argon used for everyday life?

As an insulating gas (eg in double glazing).

How do we use argon?

we use argon by ringing david cameron and then ask him "why are you such a knob ??"

What commonly uses argon?

There is no common use for argon.

Why is argon use in a light bulb?

Because argon is an inert gas; the oxidation of the wolfram filament is not possible in pure argon.

What is the use of argon in incandescent bulbs?

argon gas preserve the filament from oxidation from high temperature