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I have long, thick hair. It grows very fast, so it's usually waist length or longer. However, it tangles easily. And the length becomes weighty! Every inch or two in length, all around from cheek to cheek at my face, feels like it adds at least 10-15 pounds to my head. Washing it means about 25 pounds of wet hair hanging down my back (heavy!) or up in a bun. It takes more than 1 full day to air dry. Using a blow dryer makes it become so full that it looks like I have a "bush-afro" on my head. In the summer, the heat trapped against my scalp becomes intolerable. If i don't cut it regularly, (every couple months), it becomes more hassle than what it is worth.

However, cutting it to chin or neck length creates another type of unmanageable "bush". Cutting it with layers means different lengths growing at different rates, so it soon looks untidy. So I can only cut about 6-12 inches off, bringing it to mid-back.

These are just some of the reasons women cut their long hair, if the long length bothers them.

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Q: Why do women cut their long thick hair into a short style?
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Why do women cut their hair short?

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I recommend a style like Rhianna's in the video for 'Umbrella'. Not only is it a great style but if you tell your hairdresser you want that style but you want it too look thick then she can layer it for you if you tell her you want it to be thinner she can cut it to appear thinner. Or you could straighten it. A pixie bob would look sorta cool as well. And to make your hair seem thinner you could get layers.

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There are a number of different layered hairstyles that are popular for women. These hairstyles vary depending on the length of your hair, but some styles are simply layered around the face to accentuate your features. Another would be the typical shag style where the entire style is layered. This style is especially popular for those who have very thick hair.

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Its best to look in a hair style magazine and pick what you think would look good on you. There are a lot of women magazines that have tons of pictures of women.

What are the best hairstyles for people with round and fat faces with short thick hair?

WE-ELL, the best hair-style for that type of specimen is to keep your hair normal. Down or whatever. You should grow your hair long if anything. that looks cool.