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ur bones are broken when an amount of persure is exzereted on a particular area (more preasure that the bone can handle. or of they are twisted or moved to a possesion where they are not ment to be put to. or if there is a suffen strain an ur physical body is not prepaired for eg falling backwards and langind on ur wrist.

hopw this was help full :)

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13y ago
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14y ago

We break our bones because they are very, very, delicate. I have broken 5 bones. I know the way to do it.

1. You break it (OF COURSE)

2. You cry (maybe)

3. You watch it go black & blue

4. If it hurts badly, and it's really black & blue go to the orthopedic

5. If they say it's fractured, you will get a cast on

6. After how long the doctor said you will get it off, they will saw it off.

I know this doesn't answer you're question, but you know the prosses!

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14y ago

If more pressure is put on a bone than it can stand, it will split or break. A break of any size is called a fracture. If the broken bone punctures the skin, it is called an open fracture (compound fracture). A stress fracture is a hairline crack in the bone that develops because of repeated or prolonged forces against the bone. Bone - broken; Fracture; Stress fracture It is hard to tell a dislocated bone from a broken bone. However, both are emergency situations, and the basic first aid steps are the same. The following are common causes of broken bones: * Fall from a height * Motor vehicle accidents * Direct blow * Child abuse * Repetitive forces, such as those caused by running, can cause stress fractures of the foot, ankle, tibia, or hip * A visibly out-of-place or misshapen limb or joint * Swelling, bruising, or bleeding * Intense pain * Numbness and tingling * Broken skin with bone protruding * Limited mobility or inability to move a limb # Check the person's airway and breathing. If necessary, call 911 and begin rescue breathing, CPR, or bleeding control. # Keep the person still and calm. # Examine the person closely for other injuries. # In most cases, if medical help responds quickly, allow the medical personnel to take further action. # If the skin is broken, it should be treated immediately to prevent infection. Don't breathe on the wound or probe it. If possible, lightly rinse the wound to remove visible dirt or other contamination, but do not vigorously scrub or flush the wound. Cover with sterile dressings. # If needed, immobilize the broken bone with a splint or sling. Possible splints include a rolled up newspaper or strips of wood. Immobilize the area both above and below the injured bone. # Apply ice packs to reduce pain and swelling. # Take steps to prevent shock. Lay the person flat, elevate the feet about 12 inches above the head, and cover the person with a coat or blanket. However, DO NOT move the person if a head, neck, or back injury is suspected. CHECK BLOOD CIRCULATION Check the person's blood circulation. Press firmly over the skin beyond the fracture site. (For example, if the fracture is in the leg, press on the foot). It should first blanch white and then "pink up" in about two seconds. Other signs that circulation is inadequate include pale or blue skin, numbness or tingling, and loss of pulse. If circulation is poor and trained personnel are NOT quickly available, try to realign the limb into a normal resting position. This will reduce swelling, pain, and damage to the tissues from lack of blood. TREAT BLEEDING # Place a dry, clean cloth over the wound to dress it. # If the bleeding continues, apply direct pressure to the site of bleeding. DO NOT apply a tourniquet to the extremity to stop the bleeding unless it is life-threatening. * DO NOT move the person unless the broken bone is stable. * DO NOT move a person with an injured hip, pelvis, or upper leg unless it is absolutely necessary. If you must move the person, pull the person to safety by his clothes (such as by the shoulders of a shirt, a belt, or pant-legs). * DO NOT move a person who has a possible spine injury. * DO NOT attempt to straighten a bone or change its position unless blood circulation appears hampered. * DO NOT try to reposition a suspected spine injury. * DO NOT test a bone's ability to move. Call 911 if: * There is a suspected broken bone in the head, neck, or back. * There is a suspected broken bone in the hip, pelvis, or upper leg. * You cannot completely immobilize the injury at the scene by yourself. * There is severe bleeding. * An area below the injured joint is pale, cold, clammy, or blue. * There is a bone projecting through the skin. Even though other broken bones may not be medical emergencies, they still deserve medical attention. Call your health care provider to find out where and when to be seen. If a young child refuses to put weight on an arm or leg after an accident, won't move the arm or leg, or you can clearly see a deformity, assume the child has a broken bone and get medical help. * Wear protective gear while skiing, biking, roller blading, and participating in contact sports. This includes helmets, elbow pads, knee pads, and shin pads. * Create a safe home for young children. Gate stairways and keep windows closed. * Teach children how to be safe and look out for themselves. * Supervise children carefully. There is no substitute for supervision, no matter how safe the environment or situation appears to be. * Prevent falls by not standing on chairs, counter tops, or other unstable objects. Remove throw rugs and electrical cords from floor surfaces. Use handrails on staircases and non-skid mats in bathtubs. These steps are especially important for the elderly

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11y ago

it can be brake because of lack of calcium

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11y ago

by falling down by rock climbing

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Q: Why do your bones break?
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The ISBN of Break No Bones is 0-434-01042-1.

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Break No Bones is by Kathy Reichs. It is a Temperance Brenner book. The Pocket book paperback has 480 pages.

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Their bones do break. Tony Parker of the San Antonio Spurs, for instance, broke a bone in his hand around February of 2010. Although it is not too common for bones other than the hands and feet, their bones do break.

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