

Why does Donald trump want to ban Muslims from the US?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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He associates Muslims with terrorists and jihadists, and thinks that banning all Muslims will keep them out.

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Q: Why does Donald trump want to ban Muslims from the US?
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no, muslims learn it at home

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It depends on what you want to ban them from.

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First, you have to become a mod on tinychat... by the owner. Then if you want to ban them click there name, & hit ban.

Will Donald Trump's Ban Muslims Proposal actually weaken Islamic Terrorist Organizations like ISIS or will his proposal actually do the opposite and strengthen them?

It won't likely have any effect unless Trump actually becomes the U.S. President. As it currently stands, he has no political power.As for whether a ban on Muslim immigration would have an effect on Islamic State recruitment, it would have an effect in the sense that it vindicates Islamic State's narrative that Islam and the West are irreconcilable and, therefore, Muslims cannot be loyal patriots to Western nations and be honest faithful individuals. It also has a null effect on neutralizing Islamic State's capability to generate terrorist events in the United States since homegrown American radicalization is much more commonly used by Islamic terrorist groups to bring about American tragedies than sending Jihadists from abroad to America.The policy is primarily advocated because it is a policy that "we can implement now", regardless of actual efficacy and betrayal of American values of equality for all. American voters want immediate solutions as opposed to the much more rigorous investment and restructuring of how Reformist Islam is promoted in the U.S. with a generational maturation time.

How long can a ban from a business last?

As long as they want it to.

Is Donald Trump anti second amendment?

At CPAC 2011, Donald Trump stated that he supports the Second Amendment's protections for gun owners. However that is not the whole story. In this book "The America We Deserve" p.102 he says: "I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I also support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun." Although there is no generally accepted definition of an "Assault Weapon" (can't all weapons be used for assault?) previous law has attempted to define and differentiate an "assault weapon" from popular sporting rifles by cosmetic features or those deemed to make the rifle appear aggressive or militaristic, and not any feature that improves the functionality or makes the rifle any more dangerous. These laws tend to even ban features that add to comfort or even safety of a rifle design. Because there are little real differences between todays popular self loading sporting rifles and those that were banned by "Assault Weapons" laws and the fact that the second Amendment is not about sporting or hunting uses of rifles, one can only conclude that any attempt to ban "Assault Weapons" is an attempt to infringe upon the Second Amendment itself. In my opinion, Donald Trumps support for the 2nd Amendment is similar to saying you support your favorite football team and want them to win, but you also support a limit of one touchdown per game, and limit how many defensive players your team can have.

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