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Laos is in a tropical area, closer to the equator than Portugal.

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Q: Why does Laos have higher temperatures than Portugal?
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Does Portugal have warmer year round temperatures than Laos?

Portugal does not have higher temperatures than Laos. It is much farther north than Laos is.

Would Laos or Poland generally have higher temperatures year round?

depends where you live because you might have higher temperatures where you live where as i might have lower temperatures than laos or poland

Which country would generally have higher temperatures year round Laos or Poland why?

Laos (:Laos as it is closer to the equator than Poland.

What countries would generally have a higher temperatures year round laos or Ukraine why?

Laos would have higher average annual temperatures because it is much closer to the equator than the Ukraine. The tropical climate in Laos is much warmer than the temperate climate found in the Ukraine.

Why does Switzerland have higher temperatures than laos?

Switzerland has higher temperatures than Laos due to differences in their geographic locations. Switzerland is located in Europe at higher latitudes, while Laos is in Southeast Asia near the equator. This results in Switzerland experiencing milder temperatures due to its position farther away from the equator. Other factors like elevation, proximity to bodies of water, and topography also play a role in shaping each country's climate.

Why does Laos have higher year round temperatures than Switzerland?

Because it is nearer to the equator.

Why does laos have higher temperatures year round than yugolslavia?

because of how close it is to the equator

Which country would generally have higher temperatures year round Laos or Austria?

Definitely Laos because they are near the equator, and closer to it than Austria. Also Austria is situated in the Alps, which is a higher altitude than Laos. Laos is more near tropical weather.

Which country would have higher temperatures year round Laos or Sweden?

Laos is much closer to the equator than Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia is the latitude of New York City. Laos is further south than Florida.

Why is Laos hotter than Romania year round?

Laos is a tropical country with more higher temperatures.

What country would have higher temperatures year round laos or France?

Laos would have a higher year-round temparature relative to continental France. However, some parts of overseas France (like French Guiana) would have a higher year-round temperature than Laos.

What has higher temperatures Laos or Slovenia?

Laos generally has year-round higher temperatures than Switzerland. The reason being is that it is closer to the Equator, which allows it to receive more-direct rays from the sun. Additionally, as most of Switzerland is mountainous, the territory is even colder than it would ordinarily be at its higher latitude.