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Hair will grow in your ears because it acts as a buffer that protects them. Without these hairs you would suffer from far worse damage due to loud noises and insects.

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Q: Why does hair grow in your ears?
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Why doesn't hair grow behind the ears?

The hair on one's head grows from the scalp. The scalp has definite edges that do not reach the ears, just as they do not reach the eyebrows.

What kinds of dogs have long ears?

A basset hound, poodle (if you let the hair grow).

What part of the body continues to grow all your life?

your hair, nails, ears and nose never stop growing. for some people, their jaw bones, too. penises constantly grow and shrink.......

Why does hair grow out of ears?

Both to keep bugs out and make it easier to feel bugs crawling around.

Where is some places on a mans body that they grow hair that others don't?

back, head, face, chest, ears

Where on his head would grandpa grow hair but grandma swear she doesnt?

Grandpa would grow hair on his chin, while Grandma might claim she doesn't grow hair on her upper lip (mustache area).

Where can a human grow hair?

Anywhere but the extremely sensitive parts ,like the palms,feet,tongue and ears,(sometimes)...

What two parts of the body continue to grow for your entire life?

Your nose. After adults have reached their full height, some parts of their bodies continue to grow. Name these parts. toenails, fingernails, actually shrink when you grow older because the platelets in between your spinal segments flatten Any part of your body that is made of cartilage continues to grow. As in Ears and Nose. Of course there are fingernails and hair but I wouldn't consider those "body parts." Hope that helped.Your liver heals itself and lives forever unless it loses that capability due to fat, disease, or alcohol. Your nails and hair grow your entire life.

Why do ears grow with aging?

they are dumbo's ears

How do you make ears small?

You can only reduce the size of your ears through plastic surgery. If you are a young person there is a phase in a person's development where the ears seem bigger than the head and seem to stick out. We all go through this. I can tell you that in most cases this will disappear as you get older and grow more. A short term solution is to grow your hair longer over the ears.

How do you make your hair grow over your ears?

You can't make it, but you can allow it to grow longer. Then, you go to the barber or beauty shop and have it styled. Depending how fast your hair grows and how short it is now this could be about 6-8 weeks before you can style it.

Why do you have hair in your ears?

Because it keeps your ears warm.