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Water weighs more than gasoline because the particles in water are more dense than those in gasoline.

This is because water molecules are highly polar and tend to attract each other. Gasoline molecules are not nearly as polar and do not attract each other.

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Q: Why does water weigh more then gasoline?
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Does 1 pint of gasoline weigh more than 1 pint of water?

No, gasoline weighs less than water.

Which weighs more antifreeze perticides or gasoline in order?

Antifreeze, Pesticide then Gasoline. Antifreeze has to weigh right at as much as water to make sure they mix in the cooling system - no bubbling up. Pesticides are made from materials lighter than water but mixed with water as a medium, so they are lighter than antifreeze. Gasoline is very light (the lighter the fuel with the same energy content, the more efficient it is), it' lighter than water so it's definitely lighter than antifreeze. Since pesticides are mostly water, in all likelihood gasoline is lighter than the pesticides.antifreeze > pesticides > gasoline

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About 0.42 ounces. Specific gravity (compared to water) about 0.73

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More dense.

How much does 880ml liquid weight in standard us pound weight?

880 ml of PURE WATER weighs 1.94 pounds. Some liquids would weigh a bit less than that (gasoline for example) while others would weigh a bit more (salt water for example).

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Depends on what the liquid is. Molten lead weighs more than water, which weighs more than gasoline does. A cup of liquid is the same as 8 fluid ounces, but they are measuring a volume, not a weight.

Which weigh more water or ice?

It depends how much water and how much ice you hae. if you have 1 ice cube and 6 cups of water, the water will weigh more. But, if you have 10 ice cubes and 1/4 cup of water the ice will weigh more.

How much does a liter of gasoline weigh?

Gasoline is less dense than water, which has a density of 1 kg / liter. Depending on alot of variables, gasoline has a density of 0.71 to 0.77 kg / liter. So to answer your question, 1 liter of gasoline weighs 710 to 770 grams.

Does salt water or sink water weigh more?

salt water

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8,800 gallons of gasoline weighs about 54,141 pounds.

Does a gallon of feathers weigh more than a gallon of water?

nonow if you had said does a pound of feathers weigh more than a pound of water.....

How does temperature effect the weight of gasoline?

It doesn't <><><> Well, to a minor extent, it does. Warm liquids weigh less than the same volume of a cold liquid. So a gallon of ice cold gasoline would weigh slightly more than a gallon of hot gasoline. Like most things, liquids expand and contract with temperature.