

Why don't women prefer nice men?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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they do ... eventually. But they have to be nice women first.

Or, alternately, they have to be the usual, formerly shallow and naive women interested only in attractive, charismatic, misanthropic jerks with some ridiculous idea that they could have their dashing "bad boy" and somehow turn him around to be a gentleman, only to discover reality too late. Finally, in their late thirties they realize the depth of their mistake, and with 2 kids and a ruined body, they then look for the good guys who due to their less than successful romantic life are happy to raise some other man's progeny.

Generally though, it's because the excitement of being with someone with a strong, aggressive character and a testosterone-soaked worldview takes the place of true fascination with a guy being "interesting" in a meaningful way, for women who have insufficient intellectual depth of their own, to tell the difference. Our culture praises "fashionable ignorance" in both genders these days but primarily in women, one of the remaining ways in which genders are not treated equally. Poor choices -- pragmatic, political, financial, and romantic -- are the result.

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