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Due to its common embryonic origin and its innervation and action.

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Q: Why is Adductor magnus muscle considered as a hamstring muscle sometimes?
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What is the prime mover for hip adduction?

The adductor muscles of the hip are four in number: the adductor brevis, the adductor longus, the adductor magnus and the adductor minimus. All the hip adductors originate from the pubis and insert at the medial side of the femur.

How many adductor muscles are there?

There is the adductor magnus, adductor brevis, adductor longus and gracilis, so there are at least 4.

What collective name is given to the posterior thigh muscles that the sciatic nerve supplies?

The medial compartment of the thigh includes the hamstring portion of the adductor magnus. This muscle is innervated by the sciatica.

What is abductor magnus?

The abductor magnus does not exist. It is likely a mistake referring to the aDDuctor magnus.

Adductor magnus adductor longus and adductor brevis are parts of a large muscle mass of what?

medial compartment of the thigh

What muscle is a flexor of the thigh.?

adductor magnus

What group of thigh muscles that flex the thigh?

gracilis , adductor longus , adductor brevis and upper part of adductor magnus

Is the adductor magnus a parallel or pennate muscle?


What extends the lower leg?

The knee. The prime mover for extension of the knee joint is the quadraceps femoris which is actually a group of muscles consisting of rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and vastus intermedialis. Extension here is assisted by hamstring part of the adductor magnus and to some extent by the adductor brevis.

What muscle abduct the thigh to take the stance?

Your Hamstream and your Guadriceps.

The large muscle of the leg that pulls the knees together?

Adductor magnus

What is the origin of the gastrocnemius muscles of a frog?

The gastrocnemius muscle originates from the adductor Magnus at the top of the frog's leg. The adductor Magnus splits off into the gracilus minor to the rear, and gracilus major to the front. These connect in the gastrocnemius.