

Why is Punxsutawny Phil important?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Why is Punxsutawny Phil important?
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Related questions

How long has Punxsutawny Phil been predicting the weather?

Punxsutawney Phil has been predicting the weather for over 135 years. The tradition dates back to 1887 in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.

Did groundhog see his shadow on 2-2-11?

no it didn't i have 4 reasons 1. it said that Punxsutawny Phil didn't see its shadow 2.This Groundhog thing is a scam 3. Nothing on earth, even animals, can't live from 1889-2011. 4. They said that Punxsutawny Phil lived through 1889-2011 and he is still living.

Who holds punxsutawny Phill on groundhog day?

A select group, called the Inner Circle, takes care of Phil year-round and also plans the annual ceremony. Members of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club's Inner Circle are recognizable by their top hats and tuxedos. Each year someone different holds Phil.

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Si is Phil's younger brother, so Phil is older.

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Ulysses Grant, William Sherman, George Thomas, Phil Sheridan to name a few

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Hi as in hit and phil as in phil. Accent on phil.

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Phil Bosakowski has written: 'Plays by Phil Bosakowski'