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He is the main antagonist towards Odysseus besides Poseidon. He is one of Odysseus's shipmates and is known for causing trouble throughout

the whole adventure. He convinces Odysseus's crew to kill Helios's sacred cattle and eat them causing the death of all of the Achaeans except Odysseus's. Eurylochus

also is the only one who escapes Circe's trickery that leads to some of the Achaneans

turning into pigs (after they swallow her wine).

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Q: Why is eurylochus so important to odyssey?
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What does Eurylochus say they should do to appease the gods in the odyssey?

that they should sacrifice some of their cattle's when they get home

Why was Odysseus angry with euryochus?

Eurylochus consistently threatens and / or questions Odysseus's leadership in The Odyssey and very nearly causes a mutiny on Aeaea and at Thrinacie.

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Odysseus is famously distrustful of women in The Odyssey. This is evident through his interactions with the goddess Circe and the nymph Calypso, as well as his caution around the Sirens and the women of the island of Thrinacia.

How did The Odyssey get its name?

The Odyssey is based on the adventures of Odysseus, the King of Ithaca. The adventures were so important that the story was named after the hero itself!

Who is Eurylochus?

Eurylochus is Odysseus' second in command.

How was Eurylochus important to Greek Mythology?

Eurylochus was part of Odysseus' returning crew after the destruction of Troy. He convinced the crew to eat some of Helius' sacred cattle; this caused a lot of problems.

Why does eurylochus object to obeying oldysseus?

Why does Eurylochus object to obeying Odysseus?

Who is Eurylochus in Odyssey?

He is Second in Command of Odysseus Legion. He is also the one who led some men into Circes Palace when they were turned to swine. He was the only one in that group that was not turned to swine because he feared a trap.

Which quotation is correctly formatted using MLA citation'Untie me!' to the crew, jerking my brows;but they bent steady to the oars. Then Perimedesgot to his feet, he and Eurylochus,and passed more line about, to hold me still.–The Odyssey, Homer?

The correct MLA citation format for the quotation is: "'Untie me!' to the crew, jerking my brows; but they bent steady to the oars. Then Perimedes got to his feet, he and Eurylochus, and passed more line about, to hold me still" (The Odyssey, Homer).

What are the characters in The Odyssey?

Odysseus, Penelope, Athena, Telemachus, Polyphemus, Poseiden, Sirens, Calypso, Hermes, King Alcinous, Circe, Aeolis, Helios, Teiresias, Scylla, Charybdis, Eurylochus, Zeus, the suitors, Eurymachus, Antinous

Why does Odysseus become angry with eurylochus?

Odysseus becomes angry because Eurylochus tries to undermine his leadership. Eurylochus disregards Odysseus in front of the sailors and unsuccessfully tries to mutiny.