

Why is it easy to prevent aids than malaria?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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because scientist have evidence in which they can predict aids happening rather than aids

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Q: Why is it easy to prevent aids than malaria?
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Can you only get malaria in Africa?

You can get malaria in places other than Africa.

Is malaria more chronic than dengue?

malaria is more chronic then dengue

Why do AIDS victims die from different kinds of infectious disease rather than from a single AIDS disease?

Because AIDS is an auto-immune disease and your resistance to germs, viruses, and bacteria are lowered. This makes it very easy to catch an infectious disease and once the body's immune system is further compromised by being sick it is relatively easy for the organs to malfunction.

What is worse than Malaria?

Probably HIV

In America do you have a malaria infected mosquito?

You can get malaria from mosquitoes in America. Although it is more rare to get it in America than it is in continents such as Africa and South America.

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I will take a guess but it is not a wild one. I believe the answer is disease and more specifically, malaria.

Are mosquito bites the only way to catch malaria?

Malaria is an infectious disease caused by parasites. Humans catch malaria when that parasite enters their blood stream. The parasite that causes malaria is a protozoan called Plasmodium. They are very small organisms that have only one cell (but are larger and more complex than bacteria). To answer your question, no, there are other ways to "catch" malaria. A baby can get it while inside its mother. This is called maternal-fetal transmission. People can also get malaria from a blood transfusion. This is when someone gives blood to another person. Another way people can catch malaria is by using a needle that someone with the disease used before them. A few obvious ways to prevent infection are: controlling mosquitoes, keeping mosquitoes from biting, and taking medicine to keep from getting sick after a bite (most relevant to parts of the world where people can get malaria).

Is dengue more deadly than malaria?

yes.....i think so...

What are fact on aids?

If you have aids/HIV than you can die in months,weeks or even days.

How many malaria cases have been recorded in mulago hospital this year?

More than 1000 malaria cases have been recorded in Mulago Hospital this year.

Do more gay people have AIDS than heterosexuals do?

No. Worldwide, MANY more heterosexuals have HIV and AIDS than gay people.

Is there another way to get aids other than with blood?

Yes, sperm can also contain AIDS.