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It is extremely important to wear goggles when welding in order to prevent any damage to the eyes. Flying pieces of molten metal, chemicals or acids could blind or cause serious damage.

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Q: Why is it important to wear goggles when welding?
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What are welding goggles?

Welding Goggles are goggles you wear when you are welding something to protect your eyes and around your eyes from sparks and tiny hot metal peices that can burn your eye. They are mainly for safety. Hope I helped@

Why is it important to wear goggles?

It should fit snugly, and should have cushions both above the eyebrows and over the nose.

Why is it important to wear safety goggles in metals class?

to protect your eyes

Why are wearing safety goggles important when doing than experiment with gases or liquids?

Safety goggles are important to wear when doing an experiment with gases or strong liquids because if you have goggles on, the strong liquids or gases won't get into your eyes.

What is the difference between gas welding goggles and arc welding goggles?

If by gas welding you mean-oxyacetylene welding. The difference is just that arc welding requires a darker shade of lens. When oxyfuel gas welding (OFW) usually a shade 5 lens is recommended. When arc welding, a minimum of shade 10 lens should be used (actually shade should be determined by amount of current used).

Why is it important to wear goggles when heating liquids in the science lab?

So your eyes do not burn.

Why do girl lacrosse players have to wear goggles?

they have to wear goggles because they dont want to wear helmets so they wear goggles. they need some sort of protection and the girls arent into wearing helmets hence the goggles.

What is very important about goggles?

goggles help protect your eyes from harm. Snowboarders or skiiers wear goggles to help with the glare from the snow and also to keep out ice, snow, or rocks. Chemists may wear goggles so that chemicals don't get in their eyes.

It is safe to perform a lab experiment without goggles when?

NO! If you dont wear goggles that experiment may go horibly wrong NOMATTER WHAT ALWAYS WEAR goggles

Do you use a helmet or safety goggles when arc welding?

yes ' +++ You do NOT use "goggles" when arc-welding. You use a proper face-shield (mine is the auto-darkening type), and you should not expose any skin to the arc's intense UV radiation.

What are two situations in which you should wear safety goggles?

you should wear safety goggles when you are swimming and when you are riding a bike.

What should you wear to play paintball if you dont have paintball gear?

You have to go to a licensed field and rent equipment. You MUST have a paintball specific mask to play. No welding helmets, riot helmets, sunglasses, air soft goggles, ski goggles, ballistic goggles, Only paintball specific masks. Other then that, many people just play in jeans and a tshirt.