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If you're pregnant and want pickles, you're probably after the salt. And if you're not pregnant and crave pickles, the reason is most likely the same. ( Pickles also contain a substantial amount of potassium.)

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Q: Why is my body craving pickles and i am not pregnant?
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Why are you craving pickles and ice cream?

Not unless you're pregnant, ha! Pickles and vodka taste very good together though, the Russians are well known for "pickle shots". But obviously not if you're under 21.

Why would a person crave sour pickles and lemons without being pregnant?

Usually a craving is brought on by something your body needs or is lacking (deficiency). Lemons and pickles are two sources that contain a lot of Vitamin C. So, you should probably start there. Are you getting enough Vitamin C in your diet?

Is bad to eat pickles at night?

its just your craving

Is getting a craving for charcoal normal when pregnant?

Yes, getting a craving for charcoal is normal when pregnant, if not a little weird all the same. Craving charcoal when pregnant is indicative of a deficiency in a woman's diet so it would be advisable to speak to one's GP about this type of craving.

Does eating cement cause problems in conceiving?

No it's perfectly fine. What pregnant woman doesn't eat cement? Cement and pickles is a common, although at the same time unusual craving for many pregnant woman around the globe. So if you are "set" on having some, go for it.

Do pickles help you get pregnant?

No they don't

When do you begin putting on weight when you are pregnant?

It is up to your body. Eat when you're craving or when you're hungry. Don't over stuff yourself.

What does craving coconut mean?

When one is craving coconut is doesn't necessarily mean anything. They could just be craving something sweet or they really like coconut.

Why do you crave dill pickles and not pg?

Dill pickles mmmm I eat a jar day and drink the juice!! Your body is craving electrolytes..sodium potassium...It also helps stomach with stomach acids but I have found that if I am craving something very specific it's because my body needs some certain aspect of that food... salt, carb, whatever... I'd say eat a couple and take care of that craving!!--Yes too much salt is bad but so is not enough salt just look into it and if you have insurance go and get ur elect. lvls checked if their normal just keep eating them as u wish abnormal just adjust ur diet. Im no expert just a nurse :) ur doctor will know more than I. You might just like them we ll have addictions.... (related to cravings from body) my fiance likes cigs. I however have to have my daily pickles...

Could you be pregnant because you can stop eating pickles and ice cream?

No you cannot become pregnant if you stop eating pickles or ice cream. you become pregnant from having sex, which requires the males sperm.

Why do I have a serious craving for carrot cake even though im a virgin?

Its because you are pregnant

Are craving pickles a sign of pregnancy?

Not specifically, though cravings and aversions are common in pregnancy. You'll usually have other indications before those start, though.