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because tobacco wasn't know to be deadly, and there was a large part of the economy based on the sale of it, and to rip that away from America would put us into a depression (or at least a big recession) while marijuana was talked badly about by rich Americans that feared losing customers.

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Q: Why isn't marijuana legal and the number one killer tobacco is?
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Is Hookah Tobacco basically legal marijuana?

no, tobacco is never marijuana... its tobacco.

Is cannabis less harmful than fags?

F*a*g*s is a slang term for tobacco cigarettes. Tobacco cigarettes are Probably the most dangerous legal substance a person can consume. They are a leading cause of cancer. Cannabis can be dangerous, but, nowhere near as dangerous as tobacco. The Number one reason tobacco is legal in the USA and marijuana is not is because of Money. The rich tobacco companies, (and the people who smoke and chew tobacco), keep it legal. Money interests keep marijuana illegal. I am not saying you should smoke marijuana, (unless it's for medical purposes), however tobacco is Far more dangerous than marijuana.

Why is cigarretts legal and marijuana not?

because tobacco is not easy to grow. therefor it is easy for the government to monitor and tax all of the cigarettes or any other form of tobacco. However marijuana is very easy to be grown and harvested, and can be done indoor or outdoor. if it was legal, it would be nearly impossible for the government to tax you for it, and they wouldn't make any money if marijuana was legal.

How do the harmful effects of marijuana compare to the effects of smoked tobacco?

No. Tobacco kills people, weed has never killed anyone. Weed gets you high, tobacco just makes you addicted with nicotine. tobacco causes cancer, weed treats cancer. tobacco can only be smoked or chewed by a person, weed plants can be consumed, or used to make things like paper, clothes, rope, concrete, fuel and more. Tobacco is legal, weed is illegal.

Is marijuana legal in Lithuania?

Industrial marijuana is legal. Marijuana, that can be used for intoxication purposes, is illegal.

Will marijuana ever be decriminalized?

In the United States, hopefully. However, it is legal in a number of forms in a number of countries.

What drugs are legal in UK?

In the UK, some drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine are legal. Prescription medications are also legal when prescribed by a healthcare professional. However, possession and use of illegal drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, and marijuana, are prohibited.

Caffeine and tobacco are legal forms of?

Caffeine and tobacco are a legal form of an addiction.

Is marijuana is legal in medical use?

Medical marijuana is legal with a prescription from your doctor.

Is marijuana legal in Australia?

Marijuana is not legal in Australia, and driving under the influence of marijuana carries severe penalties.

Is marijuana legal in Thailand?

No it is not legal

Is marijuana legal in Iowa?

Marijuana is not legal in any state but California so far.