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Infants born with rubella may already show signs of heart disease, retarded growth, hearing loss, blood disorders, vision problems, or pneumonia. They may also develop problems later in childhood, including autism, hearing loss.

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10y ago

Both rubella (German measles) and chickenpox can cause severe birth defects or fetal or infant death if a woman gets them while pregnant. Since they are vaccine-preventable, it makes sense for women to protect themselves before they get pregnant.

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Q: Why do they test women for rubella before getting pregnant?
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Related questions

What can pregnant women do to avoid rubella or chickenpox?

All non-immune women of childbearing age should be vaccinated against rubella and chickenpox before pregnancy. Pregnant women should be tested for immunity to rubella at their first prenatal visit.

Why only girls are given rubella vaccine?

Because only girls can get pregnant. Rubella can cause serious damage to the fetus of a pregnant women if she is to catch rubella.

Why are only girls given the rubella vaccine?

Because only girls can get pregnant. Rubella can cause serious damage to the fetus of a pregnant women if she is to catch rubella.

What is the rubella test?

The rubella test is a routine blood test performed as part of prenatal care of pregnant women.

Why are girls around the age of 12 but not boys are vaccinated against German Measles Rubella?

Boys can't get pregnant . They want to make sure that most of the girl have immunization against Rubella. When women get pregnant and they catch Rubella, it can cause fatal disabilities to the unborn child. mamour!!

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Same way you did before. About 1/4 women have a miscarriage and there are usually no problems getting pregnant afterwards.

Can obese woman get pregnant easy?

Obese women get pregnant the same way any other woman. Obese women should loose weight before getting pregnant. This will lower your chances of medical complications from weight.Depends on the woman. Some women who are really obese have hormonal changes so getting pregnant can be difficult.

Does candida prevent women from getting pregnant?

Not true,it can't prevent woman from getting pregnant

What does rubella do to the body?

Rubella is a contagious infection that leaves a rash on your skin. Rubella is also called German Measles. The rash looks like either pink or light red spots, which can form evenly colored patches. Rubella can lead to swollen lymph nodes in other parts of the body, and pain and swelling in the joints. Rubella in pregnant woman can cause congenital rubella syndrome. Children who are infected with rubella pre-birth are at risk for many things such as growth and mental retardation, malformations of the heart and eyes, deafness, and liver, spleen, and bone marrow problems. It's very serious for pregnant women diagnosed with rubella get a vaccine immediately.

What is reubella?

Rubella is commonly known as the German Measles. It symptoms include fever, headache, runny nose, rash, and muscle/joint pain. It's very dangerous to pregnant women because it can pass to their unborn baby causing miscarriage, stillbirth and birth defects. While there is no cure for Rubella, one can prevent it by getting an MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine. If you do get it symptoms like fever can be treated with acetaminophen.

What should pregnant women do before taking calcium channel blockers?

Women who are pregnant or who may become pregnant should check with their physicians before using these drugs.

Can pregnant women have a colposcopy?

Women who are pregnant, or who suspect that they are pregnant, must tell their doctor before the procedure begins. Pregnant women can, and should, have a colposcopy if they have an abnormal Pap test.