

Why submarines cant go deep?

Updated: 10/19/2022
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14y ago

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All submarines have specific design limits based on their overall hull construction material and shape. In general, the smaller, more compact, and spherical a submarine is, the deeper it can go, but that's not always the case. Hull material is a big factor as well. Most submarines today are built with steel which has elastic properties, i.e., it can contract and expand with sea pressure many times without hull degradation. By contrast, a Titanium hull (e.g., a Russian ALFA) may be able to go deeper, but the properties of Titanium make it brittle when exposed to extreme pressure over time. Think of a the difference between squeezing a tennis ball repeatedly, and an egg - the egg will begin to crack well before the ball ever will.

The other main reason is that at deeper depths, it doesn't take much damage to the hull to cause a major casualty. At the massive pressure of deep ocean depths, even minor damage can result in catastrophic flooding and failure. You don't need a submarine that can go to deep depths - all you need is a weapon that can go to deep depths.

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