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The Rosetta Stone enabled us to see what the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics meant, because we could finally decode their pictograms. We knew Greek and Latin, thus were able to read the hieroglyphics all over Egypt.

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Rosalinda Blick

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As it was written in two langues and three scripts, it helped translate some artifacts found which were not translated never before.

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It was key in reading hieroglyphs

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Q: Why was the Rosetta stone important to ancient Egypt?
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Who is the Rosetta stone important to?

It is part of the history of ancient Egypt.

What is importance of the Rosetta stone?

The Rosetta stone is important to us because if we hadn't found it we would never know anything about Egypt's written language, and ancient Egypt.

What civilization is the Rosetta stone from?

Ancient Egypt

Why the Rosetta stone is important?

The Rosetta Stone is important because it allowed us to study Ancient Egyptians and their language. Without it, we would know nothing about Egyptian language, the ruler Ptolemy V., or even Ancient Egypt itself.

Is Rosetta stone a person?

No, the Rosetta Stone was not a person. They named it the Rosetta Stone because it was discovered in Rosetta, a town in northern Egypt near the Nile delta.

How did the scholars learn much about ancient egypt?

the rosetta stone. the rosetta stone helped scholars work out a lot about ancin=ent egypt it was decoded by champollion

Which3 langueges are the Rosetta stone?

ancient egypt, demotic ,and, greek

What makes the Rosetta Stone such an important archaeological find?

The Rosetta stone helped to decode the hieroglyphic scripts of ancient Egypt. The stone was recovered in the excavations conducted by the French conquerors of Egypt in 1799.

Date and place the Rosetta stone was found?

The Rosetta Stone is a slab that depicts three different ancient languages. It was discovered in Egypt in 1799.

What is the Rosetta stone made out of?

The Rosetta Stone is pinkish-grey granodiorite, on which the three languages were carved.

What stone was used to learn how to translate ancient Egypt hieroglyphics?

The Rosetta Stone - discovered in the Library of Alexandria in Alexandria, Egypt - was used to learn how to translate ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Why was Rosetta Stone Important?

The Rosetta stone is so important because it helped experts understand and learn to read Egyptian hieroglyphs. The Rosetta stone was written in three scripts that include Greek, demotic, and hieroglyphic.