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I'm not sure what discovery you are referring to, but if you mean "discovering" that different types of people are equal... races, genders, ages, religions, weights, heights, titles, etc., then it was and is important because it offers us an important perspective as we look at each other and the world. Whenever we think that we are better than someone else, in whatever way, then it creates problems. One group bullies the other group, or even on an individual level, we stop being able to relate to the other person and put ourselves in his or her shoes mentally. When you stop being able to relate to people, then it is hard to feel compassion for them, and if you think you are better, it is easier to talk yourself into treating a human being like an annoying bug... to be stepped on, or exterminated. Always keeping in mind that we are equal... that we all face similar struggles, and deserve the same compassion, patience, and love... helps us to have better communication and more harmonious relationships, not just on an individual level, but on a global level.

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