

Why was the first atomic bomb made?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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15y ago

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The first atomic bomb was made to test the theory that a "super weapon" could be built using the principles of nuclear physics. Ideas of the nature of the physics of the atom developed as the 20th century rolled on, and continued to do so as World War 2 began and raged across the globe. It was felt that the bomb, which could deliver a massive and almost unimmaginably distructive blast, was possible. And if it was possible, the U.S. had better be the first to have it lest the Axis win the war by developing and deploying it. America, with the help of the British and other European scientists, put together the Manhattan Project to do just that. The rest is history. Make no mistake about it - the application of the fission reaction to build a weapon (a bomb) was a necessary first step in the development of atomic energy. The world situation, that is, the fact that much of the world was at war, was an undeniable catalyst in the choice to apply nuclear ideas to a weapon, and to design and develop the atomic bomb.

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18th May1998, but its not atomic bomb (its nuclear bomb)