

Why would one have gallbladder pain?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Gallbladder pain could be caused by a stone that has gone down the bile duct and settled near the gallbladder or the small intestine, causing tremendous discomfort. There could also be a backing up of the bile duct, which in turn causes a sensation of fullness that also would lead to discomfort.

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What can cause pain in the gallbladder?

Gallstones cause pain and blockage in the gallbladder. More rarely, a person can get cancer of the gallbladder, but this is very rare.

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I just had my gallbladder removed 2 days ago. I had adhesions from my omentem to my gallbladder to the underside of my liver. I had had problems with my gallbladder for 2 years. All I can say is I had two different types of was a pulling sensation when I would lay on my left side. I would get a lot of referred pain to my stomach, therefore my doctors thought I had an ulcer. Then I would get gallbladder pain, the usual sharp pain under my ribs, as I did have decreased function of my gallbladder. I had an ultrasound done an there were no gallstones. I had a hiata scan done and I had decreased ejection fraction of 30% of my gallbladder. The ultrasound obviously did not show the adhesions, as it is such fine tissue. When the surgeon opened me up, he could not believe how many adhesions I had. My overall symptions were a lot of stomach pain. I couldn't eat very much. A lot of this was referred pain from my right side. Unless I would palpate that side, I would tend to think that it was my stomach giving me all of these issues. And then I had real gallbladder pain, which was sharp stabbing pain under my ribs. I'm 29 years old, 5'8" and 125 lbs. Excellent shape if you exlude these symptoms! I could not however ride my bike or do extensive exercise because my stomach would kill me 5 minutes after I was done. It would lead to vomiting as well. I am still in recovery mode as this is extremely painful, but I am feeling better as time passes by.

What is pain in the gallbladder called?

Pain in the gallbladder may indicate gallstones, which can pass on their own, but surgical removal of the gallbladder may be required.

What is the symptom of gallbladder symptom?

Symptoms of gallbladder disease include inflammation, vomiting, gas, upper abdominal pain, shoulder and back pain, dizziness and pain when taking deep breaths.

Can oatmeal cause gallbladder attacks?

No, not at all. Gallbladder pain is usually triggered by fatty or spicy foods.

Why did Michelle Duggar have her gallbladder removed?

Michelle had a large gallstone. When the gallbladder would react to certain foods, it would press down on the gallstone and Michelle would experience a lot of pain. After it was addressed, Michelle said it was extremely painful and the recovery was difficult.

Could your heartburn be gallbladder problems?

Because the gallbladder is located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, it can occasionally be interpreted as a heart issue, as referred pain. Gallbladder pain is often a pain that can radiate to the scapular area in your back, often, it is exacerbated by eating a high fat meal. It is important that you do not dismiss pain that you feel may be related to your heart, by calling it gallbladder pain. You should make an appointment to see your PMD or visit the ER, if you feel it may be your heart.

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gallbladder pain